Prof. Dr. Fiazud Din Zaman
Prof. Dr. Fiazud Din Zaman
M.Phil/PhD Coordinator
Field (s) of interest: Applied Mathematics, Nonlinear PDEs, Lie Symmetry Methods, Inverse Problems and Boundary value Problems.
Prof. Dr. Safeer Hussain Khan
Prof. Dr. Safeer Hussain Khan
Field (s) of interest:
Prof. Dr. Hassan Azad
Prof. Dr. Hassan Azad
Visiting Professor
Field (s) of interest: Lie Groups, Differential Geometry, Symmetry analysis of differential equations
Prof. Dr. Asghar Qadir
Prof. Dr. Asghar Qadir
Visiting Professor
Field (s) of interest:
Dr. Afshan Sadiq
Dr. Afshan Sadiq
Assistant Professor
Field (s) of interest: Computational Commutative Algebra
Dr. Ali Raza
Dr. Ali Raza
Assistant Professor
Field (s) of interest: Functional Analysis and Measure theory
Dr. Fahim ud Din
Dr. Fahim ud Din
Assistant Professor
Field (s) of interest: Fix Point Theory
Dr. Jamshaid ul Rehman
Dr. Jamshaid ul Rehman
Assistant Professor
Field (s) of interest: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Mathematical Modelling And Simulation, Numerical Optimization
Dr. Noor Muhammad
Dr. Noor Muhammad
Assistant Professor
Field (s) of interest: The area of interest is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Numerical methods for computing approximate solutions to partial differential equations include multiscale methods, geometric partial differential equations, fractional diffusion, complex fluid dynamics, adaptive methods, radiative transport, combustion flames, energy deposition, magnetohydrodynamics, porous media, and large scale scientific computation with industrial applications. There are significant overlapping interests with the groups in partial differential equations, approximation theory, and data science. Furthermore, the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Finite Volume Method (FVM) are used for flow simulation via different computational software, including DUNE Numerics, OpenFOAM, LS-DYNA, and SimScal.
Dr. Shahbaz Ahmad
Dr. Shahbaz Ahmad
Assistant Professor
Field (s) of interest: Image Processing

Visiting Foreign Faculty

Barbu Berceanu
Barbu BerceanuRomania
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: Department of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics Simion Stoilow, Romania
Field (s) of interest: Geometry, Algebraic Topology.
Christian Blanchet
Christian BlanchetFrance
Degree: Ph.D.
Faculty: Univ Paris Diderot, IMJ-PRG, UMR 7586 CNRS, F-75013, Paris.
Field (s) of interest:Topological Quantum Field Theories.
Johann Davidov
Johann DavidovBulgaria
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Field (s) of interest: Complex Differential Geometry: Twistor Spaces, Almost-Complex Manifolds, Self-Dual Manifolds, Hermitian Surfaces.
Vieru Dumitru
Vieru DumitruRomania
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania.
Field (s) of interest: Theoretical Mechanics, Numerical Analysis.
Tzanko Donchev
Tzanko DonchevBulgaria
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Bulgaria.
Field(s) of interest: Differential Inclusions, Multi-valued Dynamical Systems, Control, Non-smooth Analysis, Numerical Analysis
Viviana Ene
Viviana EneRomania
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania.
Field (s) of interest: Commutative Algebra
Dimitar Kolev
Dimitar KolevBulgaria
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty:Department of Mathematics University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Field(s) of interest: Dynamical Systems-Introductory course and advanced, Hamilton Systems, Bifurcation Theory, Fucntional Differential Equations, Parabolic Differential Equations-Introductory and advanced.
Renaud Leplaideur
Renaud LeplaideurFrance
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: Departement de Mathematiques, Universite de Brest, France.
Field(s) of interest: Dynamical System
Gerhad Pfister
Gerhad PfisterGermany
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: Fachbereich Mathematik Universitat Kaiserslautern, Germany
Field (s) of interest: Computational Algebra
Rein Leo Zeinstra
Rein Leo ZeinstraGermany
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: University of Hamburg, Osterstrasse Hamburg, Germany.
Field (s) of interest: Real Analysis
Andrea Semaničová-Feňovčíková
Andrea Semaničová-FeňovčíkováSlovakia
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty:Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Technical University in Košice Slovakia
Field (s) of interest: Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Dan Grigore Timotin
Dan Grigore TimotinBucharest, Romania
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy,
Bucharest, Romania
Field (s) of interest: Functional Analysis and Operator Theory
 Mohamad Rached Mneimné
Mohamad Rached MneimnéFrance
Degree: Ph.D.
Faculty: University Paris VII - Denis Diderot Mathematics Departement, Sophie-Germain.
Field (s) of interest:l'analyse harmonique non commutative: structure des groupes de Lie semi-simples.
Simon Kristensen
Simon KristensenDenmark
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty:Department of Mathematics Aarhus UniversityNy Munkegade 118 DK-8000 Aarhus C Denmark
Field(s) of interest: Ergodic Theory, Small denominator problems, Diophantine approximation, Metric number theory
Ngo Viet Trung
Ngo Viet TrungVietnam
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Field(s) of interest: Commutative Algebra and Interactions to Algebraic Geometry and Combinatorics
Karl Dilcher
Karl DilcherCanada
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: Department of Mathematics & Statistics Dalhousie University 6316 Coburg Road - PO BOX 15000 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Field(s) of interest: Number theory, Combinatorial number theory, Computational number theory, Classical analysis, Bernoulli and Euler numbers, Zeros of polynomials, Graph-theoretic polynomials,
Mumtaz Hussain
Mumtaz HussainAustralia
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: Department of Mathematics La Trobe University, Australia
Field(s) of interest: Algebra and Number Theory, Dynamical Systems in Applications, Ordinary Differential Equations, Difference Equations and Dynamical System
Evgeny Smirnov
Evgeny SmirnovRussia
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: Department of Mathematics Higher School of Economics Usacheva st., 6119048 Moscow, Russia
Field(s) of interest: Equivariant algebraic geometry, algebraic groups, algebraic combinatorics
Nadir Matringe
Nadir MatringeFrance
Degree: Ph.D
Faculty: Poitiers, Poitou-Charentes, France
Field(s) of interest: Group Representation Theory
    Abdul Hamid Kara
    Abdul Hamid KaraSouth Africa
    Degree: Ph.D
    Faculty: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
    Field(s) of interest: On Lie and Noether Symmetries of Differential Equations
      Fazal Mahmood Mahomed
      Fazal Mahmood MahomedSouth Africa
      Degree: Ph.D
      Faculty: The African Academy of Sciences
      Field(s) of interest: Symmetry Lie Algebras of nth Order Ordinary Differential Equations.
        Hannah Markwig
        Hannah MarkwigGermany
        Degree: Ph.D
        Faculty: Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
        Field(s) of interest: Tropical Geometry, Hurwitz theory, Gromov-Witten theory and mathematical physics), convex geometry, algebraic geometry, computer algebra, real geometry.
          Alan Huckleberry
          Alan Huckleberry
          Degree: Ph.D
          Faculty: Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Ruhr University Bochum and Wisdom Professor of Mathematics at Jacobs University Bremen in Germany
          Field(s) of interest: complex analysis, Lie groups actions and algebraic geometry.