Topological Strings on Toric Geometries in the Presence of Lagrangian Branes
M. Nouman Muteeb
European Physical Journal C, Vol. 81, Page: 23 (2021)
A constructive Method for decomposing real representations
S. Ali, H. Azad, I.Biswas & W. A.de Graaf
Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol.104, Page: 328-342 (2021)
Almost Hermitian structures defining harmonic maps of the unit tangent bundle
J. Davidov & K. Shakoor
Journal of Geometry And Physics, Vol.160, Page: 19 (2021)
On Lie symmetry analysis of nonhomogeneous generalized inviscid and fractional Burgers’ equation
M. Saqib, Q.Hussain, H. Kara & F.D.Zaman
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Page: 1-13 (2021)
Memory effects and of the killing rate on the tumor cells concentration for a one-dimensional cancer model
N. Ahmed, N.A. Shah,S.Taherifar & F.D. Zaman
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol.144 (2021)
Memory effect on the proliferation function in the cycle specific chemotherapy
N. Ahmed, D. Vieru, F.D.Zaman
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, Vol.16 Page: 21 (2021)
A Note on the Integration of Scalar Fourth-Order Ordinary Differential Equations with Four-Dimensional Symmetry Algebras
S.W.Shah, F.M. Mahmood & H. Azad
Hindawi Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Page: 7 (2021)
Holomorphic connections on holomorphic bundles on Riemann surfaces
H. Azad & I. Biswas
Arabian Journal of Mathematics, Page: 15 (2021)
On Computing Linearizing Coordinates from the Symmetry Algebra
S. Ali, H. Azad, S. W. Shah, F. M. Mahomed
Journal of Lie Theory, Vol. 31, Page: 625-635 (2021)
Secant Varieties of Toric Varieties Arising from Simplicial Complexes
Khadam, M. Azeem, Micha lek, Mateusz & Zwiernik, Piotr
Linear Algebra and its Application, Vol.588, Page: 428- 457 (2020)
On Total H-Irregularity Strength of The Disjoint Union Of Graphs
Ashraf, F., López, S. C., Muntaner-Batle, F. A., Oshima, A., Bača, M., & Semaničová- Feňovčíková
Discussiones Mathematicae – Graph Theory, Vol.40, Page: 181- 194 (2020)
The F- And H-Vectors of Interval Subdivisions
Anwar, Imran & Nazir, Shaheen
Journal of Combinatorial Theory – Series A, Vol.169, Page: 22 (2020)
Invariant analysis and Conservation Laws of time Fractional Schrödinger Equations
Q. Hussaina, F.D. Zamana & A.H. Kara
Optik, Vol.206, Page:5 (2020)
Inertial Subgradient Extragradient Methods for Solving Variational Inequality Problems and Fixed Point Problems
G. A. Okeke, M. Abbas & Manuel de la Sen
Axioms, Vol.9, Page: 2-24 (2020)
Approximation of the Fixed Point of Multivalued Quasi-Nonexpansive Mappings via a Faster Iterative Process with Applications
G. A. Okeke, M. Abbas & Manuel de la Sen
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Page: 12 (2020)
Computing The Metric Dimension Of Kayak Paddles Graph And Cycles With Chord
Ahmad, M. Bača & S. Sultan
Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, Vol.39, Page: 287-300 (2020)
On Cycle-Irregularity Strength Of Ladders And Fan Graphs
F. Arshraf, M. Baca feňovčíková, andrea – saputro & Suhadi Wido
Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, Vol.8, Page: 181-194 (2020)
On The Minimal Doubly Resolving Sets Of Harary Graph
Ahmad, M. Baca & S. Sultan
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, Vol. 89, Page: 123-129 (2020)
New Weighted Generalizations For Dierentiable Exponentially Convex Mapping with Application
S. Rashid, R. Ashraf, M. Aslam Noor, K. I. Noor & Yu-Ming Chu
AIMS Mathematics, Vol.5, Page: 3525-3546 (2020)
On The Existence of A Stable Limit Cycle To A Piecewise Linear System In R2
Ahmad, A., Haider, K., & Kolev, D
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol.43, Page: 3727-3743 (2020)
Graded Pseudo-Valuation Domains
M. T., C. Bakkari, N. Mahdou & A. Riffi
Communications in Algebra, Page: 1-14 (2020)
Commutative Rings With Absorbing Factorization
M. T Ahmed, T. Dumitrescu & M. A Khadam
Communications in Algebra, Page: 1-9 (2020)
Sp-Domains Are Almost Dedekind — A Streamlined Proof
M. T Ahmed
Discussiones Mathematicae-General Algebra and Applications, Vol.40, Page:21-24 (2020)
Petrovic-Type Inequalities for Harmonic h- convex Functions
I.Abbas Baloch, Yu-Ming Chu
Journal of Function Spaces, Page: 7 (2020)
A Variant of Jensen-type Inequality and Related Results for Harmonic Conve Functions
I.Abbas Baloch, A. A. Mughal, Yu-Ming Chu, Absar Ul Haq & M. De La Sen
AIMS Mathematics, Vol.5, Page: 6404-6418 (2020)
Analytical Solutions for Unsteady Electrohydrodynamics flows of Maxwell Fluids in Microchannels with Circular Cross Section
N. A. Shah, Y. Mahsud, M. Aziz & I. Tlili
Physics of Fluids, Vol.32, Page: 12 (2020)
Tree-Antimagicness of Web Graphs and Their Disjoint Union
Z. Zhang, M. A. Umar ,X. Ren , B. R. Ali,M. Hussain & X. Li
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Page: 6 (2020)
On a study of symmetries and conservation laws of a class of time fractional Schrödinger equations with nonlocal nonlinearities
Hussain, Q., Zaman, F. D., Bokhari, A. H., & Kara, A. H.
Optik, Vol.224 (2020)
Cohen–Macaulay modifications of the facet ideal of a simplicial complex
S. Ahmad, I.Anwar & Z. Kosar
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol.19, Page: 11 (2020)
On γγ- and local γγ-vectors of the interval subdivision
Anwar & S. Nazir
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Vol.52, Page: 1-23 (2020)
Fixed Point Theorems For Convex Minimization Problems In Complex Valued Cat(0) Spaces
G. A.Okeke, M. Abbas & Manuel de la Sen
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, Vol.25, No.4, Page: 671-696 (2020)
On H-irregularity Strength of Ladders and Fan Graphs
F. Ashraf, M. Baca, A. Semanicová-Fenovcíková & M. K. Siddiqui
Akce International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol.17, Page: 213-219 (2020)
Five-dimensional Gauge Theories from Shifted web Diagrams
B. Bastian, S. Hohenegger,A. Iqbal & Soo-Jong Rey
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol.99, Page: 12 (2019)
Relaxation and Weak Solutions of Nonlocal Semilinear Evolution Systems
N. Javaid, S. Bilal, T. Donchev & A.I. Lazu
Advances in Difference Equations, Vol. 168, Page: 15 (2019)
Analysis of Natural Convection Bionanofluid Between Two Vertical Parallel Plates
Hajizadeh ,N. A. Shah & F. D. Zaman & I. L. Animasaun
BioNanoScience, Vol.3 Page: 1-7 (2019)
Analysing the Fractional Heat Diffusion Equation Solution in Comparison with the New Fractional Derivative by Decomposition Method
R. I. Nuruddeen1, F. D. Zaman & Y. F. Zakariya
Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol.7 Page: 213-222 (2019)
Cohen–Macaulay Modifications of the Facet Ideal of a Simplicial Complex
S. Ahmad, I Anwar & Z. Kosar
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 18 (2019)
Monomial Ideals with Quasi-Linear Quotients
S Nazir, I Anwar & A Ahmad
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, Vol.40 Page: 85-89 (2019)
Algebraic Characterization of Graphical Degree Stability
Anwar & Asma Khalid
Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, Vol.34, Page: 113-125 (2019)
On H-irregularity Strength of Ladders and Fan Graphs
F. Ashraf, M. Bača, A. Semaničová-Feňovčíková& M. K. Siddiqui
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Page: 7 (2019)
On totally antimagic, Edge-magic and Vertex-antimagic Total Graphs
M. A. Ahmed, J B. Babujee, M. Baca, A. Semanicova-Fenovcikova
Utilitas Mathematica, Vol.111, Page: 161-173 (2019)
Super (a, d)-Star-antimagic Graphs
P. N. Selvagopal, P. Jeyanthi, N. Perumal, T. Muthuraja & A. Semanicova-Fenovcikova
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics & Statistics, Vol.48, Page: 700-710 (2019)
Effects of Double Stratification and Heat Flux Damping on Convective Flows over a Vertical Cylinder
N.A Shah, N. Ahmed, D, Vieru & C. Fetecau
Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol.60, Page: 290-306 (2019)
General Solutions for the Axial Couette Flow of Rate type Fluids in Cylindrical Domains
N. Nigar, C. Fetecau & S. Akhtar
Mathematical Reports, Vol.721 Page: 1-14 (2019)
Decay of a Potential Vortex. Fractional Model
M. A. Nazar & C. Fetecau
Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, Vol.51, Page: 91-104 (2019)
Rotational Motion of Fractional Maxwell Fluids in a Circular Duct Due to a Time-dependent Couple
N. Sadiq, M. Imran, C. Fetecau & N. Ahmed
Boundary Value Problems, Page: 11 (2019)
Two-Dimensional Advection–Diffusion Process with Memory and Concentrated Source
N. Ahmed, N. A. Shah & D. Vieru
Symmetry, Vol.11 Page: 15 (2019)
Fractional Advection–diffusion Equation with Memory and Robin-type Boundary Condition
I.A. Mirza, D. Vieru & N. Ahmed
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, Vol.14 Page: 14 (2019)
Twistorial Examples of Riemannian Almost Product Manifolds and Their Gil-medrano and Naveira Types
J. Davidov
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physic, Vol.16 Page: 20 (2019)
Product Twistor Spaces and Weyl Geometry
J. Davidov
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Page: 16 (2019)
Calculating Topological Indices of Certain OTIS Interconnection Networks
Aslam, S. Ahmad, M. A. Binyamin & W. Gao
Open Chemistry, Vol.17 Page: 220-228 (2019)
Magic and Antimagic Graphs: Attributes, Observations, and Challenges in Graph Labelings
M. Baca, M. Miller, J. Ryan & A. Semanicova-Fenovcikova
Development in Mathematics, (2019)
Random Fixed Point Theorems in Banach Spaces Applied to a Random Nonlinear Integral Equation of the Hammerstein Type
G. A. Okeke, S. A. Bishop & H. Akewe
Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Vol.15 Page: 24 (2019)
Homogeneous Principal Bundles over Manifolds with Trivial Logarithmic Tangent Bundle
H. Azad, I. Biswas & M. A. Khadam
Journal of Lie Theory, Vol. 29 Page: 941-956 (2019)
Rank Bounded Hibi Subrings for Planar Distributive Lattices
R. Irfan & N. Shoukat
Mathematical Communications, Vol.24 Page: 211-218 (2019)
3-total Edge Product Cordial Labeling of Rhombic Grid
Javed & M. K. Jamil
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 16, Page: 213-221 (2019)
Note on Edge Irregular Reexive Labelings of Graphs
M. Baˇca, M. Irfan, J. Ryan, A. Semaniˇcová-Feˇnovˇcíková & D. Tanna
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol.16 Page: 145-157 (2019)
A Probabilistic Approach Toward Finite Commutative Rings
S. ur Rehman, A.Q. Baig & K. Haider
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Vol.43, Page: 413-418 (2019)
Nonlocal Problem for Evolution Inclusions with One-sided Perron Nonlinearities
S. Bilal, O. Carja, T. Donchev & A.I. Lazu
Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas Fisicasy Naturales Serie A-Matematicas, Vol.113, Page: 1917-1933 (2019)
Analysis of free convection Flow of Viscous Fluid with Damped Thermal and Mass
A.U. Awan, N. A. Shah, N. Ahmed, Q. Ali & S. Riaz
Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 60, Page: 98-106 (2019)
General Sum-connectivity Index of Trees and Unicyclic Graphs with Fixed Maximum Degree
M. K. Jamil & I. Tomescu
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A-Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science, Vol.20,Page: 11-17 (2019)
Algorithm for Primary Submodule Decomposition without Producing
Intermediate Redundant Components
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 18, Page: 12 (2019)
Note on Edge Irregular Reflexive Labelings of Graphs
M. Baca, M. Irfan, Joe Ryanc, A. Semanicová-Fenovcíková & D. Tanna
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol.40, Page: 1-13 (2018)
On H-antimagicness of Cartesian Product of Graphs
M. Baca, A. Semanicova-Fenovcikova, M. A. Umar & D. Welyyanti
Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 42, Page: 339-348 (2018)
On the Metric Dimension and Diameter of Circulant Graphs with Three Jumps
M. Imran, A.Q. Baig, S. Rashid & A. Semanicová-Fenovcíková
Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 10, Page. 12 (2018)
On Fractional Metric Dimension of Comb Product Graphs
S.W. Saputro, A. Semanicová-Fenovcíková, M. Baca & M. Lascsáková
Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing, Vol. 6, Page: 150-158 (2018)
Stability, Bifurcation Analysis and Chaos Control in Chlorine Dioxide-Iodine-Maloni Acid Reaction
Q.Din, T. Donchev & D. Kolev
MATH-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, Vol. 79 Page: 577-606 (2018)
3-total Edge Product Cordial Labeling of Rhombic Grid
Javed & M. Kamran Jamil
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Page: 9 (2018)
Entire H-irregularity Strength of Plane Graphs
M. Baca, N. Hinding, A. Javed, A. Semanicova-Fenovckova
In CombinatoriaAlgorithms: 28th International Workshop, IWOCA 2017, Page: 3-12 (2018)
On Algebraic Characterization of SSC of the Jahangir’s Graph n,m
Z. Raza, A. Kashif & I. Anwar
Open Mathematics Formerly Central European Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 16, Page: 250-259 (2018)
Natural Convection with Damped Thermal Flux in a Vertical Circular Cylinder
N. Ahmed, N.A.Shah & D.Vieru
Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 56 Page : 630-644 (2018)
Entropy Generation due to Fractional Couette Flow in a Rotating Channel with Exponential Heating of Walls
W. A. Azhar, D.Vieru & C. Fetecau
Heat Transfer Research, Vol.49 Page: 1507-1526 (2018)
Time Fractional Oseen Problem for Viscous Fluids
Fetecau, D. Vieru & A. T. Ahmed
Annals of Academy Romanian Sciences. Series of Applied Mathematics, Vol.10 Page: 165-178 (2018)
First Exact Solution for a Second Grade Fluid Subject to an Oscillating Shear Stress Induced by a Sphere
Fetecau, A.Nazar, I. Khan & N. A. Shah
Nonlinear Science Letters A: Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Vol. 9, Page: 186-195 (2018)
Tangent Space at the Orbit of an Algebraic Group Action
Afzal, S. Kanwal & G. Pfiste
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, Vol.61 Page: 135-146 (2018)
Construction of Neron Desingularization for Two Dimensional Rings
G. Pfister & D. Popescu
Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory, Page: 549-559 (2018)
Local to Global Algorithms for the Gorenstein Adjoint Ideal of a Curve
J. Böhm, W. Decker, S. Laplagne & G. Pfister
Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory, Page: 51-96 (2018)
An Uniform General Neron Desingularization in Dimension One
Khalid, G. Pfister & D. Popescu
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Page: 12 (2018)
Standard Bases with Special Generators of the Leading Idea
S. Kanwal & G. Pfister
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, Vol.6 Page: 69-81 (2018)
Constructive Neron Desingularization of Algebras with Big Smooth Locus
Z. Kosar, G. Pfister & D. Popescu
Communications in Algebra, Vol. 46, Page: 1902-1911 (2018)
Simple Singularities of Parametrized Plane Curves in Positive Characteristic
K. Mehmood & G. Pfister
Communications in Algebra, Vol.46, Page: 3996-4006 (2018)
Algebraic Characterization of Graphical Degree Stability
I.Anwar & A. Khalid
Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, Page:10 (2018)
Dual Little Strings and their Partition Functions
Bastian, S. Hohenegger, A. Iqbal & S.J. Rey
Physical Review D, Vol.97, Page:12 (2018)
Triality in Little String Theories
Bastian, S. Hohenegger, A. Iqbal & S.J. Rey
Physical Review D, Vol.97, Page: 10 (2018)
On Regular Sequences in the form Module with Applications to Local Bezout Inequalities
M. A. Khadam
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical, Vol.44, Page: 763-779 (2018)
On Inclusive Distance Vertex Irregular Labelings
M. Baca, A. Semanicová-Fenovcíková, Slamin & K.A. Sugeng
Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, Vol. 6, Page: 61-83 (2018)
Super (a, d)-H-antimagic Labeling of Subdivided Graphs
Taimur, M. Numan, G. Ali, A. Mumtaz & A. Semanicova-Fenovcikova
Open Mathematics, Vol.16, Page: 688-697 (2018)
Convective Flows of Generalized Time-nonlocal Nanofluids through a Vertical Rectangular Channel
N. Ahmed, D. Vieru, C. Fetecau & N. A. Shah
Physics of Fluids, Vol.30, Page: 052002-1- 052002-17 (2018)
Natural Convection Heat Transfer in an Oscillating Vertical Cylinder
I.Khan, N. A. Shah, A. Tassaddiq, N. Mustapha & S.A. Kechil
PLOS One, Vol. 13, Page: 14 (2018)
Analysis of Magnetohydrodynamic Flow of a Fractional Viscous Fluid through a Porous Medium
S. Ulhaq, M. A. Khan & N. A. Shah
Chinese journal of Physics, Vol. 56, Page: 261-269 (2018)
Boundary Layer flow of MHD Generalized Maxwell Fluid over an Exponentially Accelerated Infinite Vertical Surface with Slip and Newtonian Heating at the Boundary
M.A. Imran, M.B. Riaz, N. A. Shah & A.A. Zafar
Results in Physics, Vol.8, Page: 1061-1067 (2018)
Effects of Dufour and Fractional Derivative on Unsteady Natural Convection Flow over an Infinite Vertical Plate with Constant Heat and Mass Fluxes
N. A. Shah, T. Elnaqeeb & S. Wang
Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.37, Page: 4931-4943 (2018)
Magnetohydrodynamic Free Convection Flows with Thermal Memory over a Moving Vertical Plate in Porous Medium
N. A. Shah, N. Ahmed, T. Elnaqeeb & M. M. Rashidi
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol.4, Page: 23 (2018)
Combined Porous and Magnetic Effects on Some Fundamental Motions of Newtonian Fluids over an Infinite Plate
C. Fetecau, R. Ellahi, M. Khan & N. A. Shah
Journal of Porous Media, Vol.21, Page: 589-605 (2018)
Recognition of Unimodal Map Germes from the Plane to the Plane by Invariants
S. Aslam, M. A. Binyamin & G. Pfister
International Journal of Algebra and Computations, Vol.28, Page: 1199-1208 (2018)
Nonlocal problem for evolution inclusions with one-sided Perron nonlinearities
S. Bilal, O. Carja, , T. Donchev & A.I. Lazu
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, Page: 1-17 (2018)
Nonlocal evolution inclusions under weak condition
S. Bilal, O. Carja, T. Donchev, A.I. Lazu & N. Javaid
Advances in Difference Equations, (2018)
MHD free convection flow of a viscous fluid in a rotating system with damped thermal transport, Hall current and slip effects
W. A. Azhar, C. Fetecau & D. Vieru
European Physical Journal plus, Vol.133, Page: 1-14 (2018)
Natural convection flows and heat transfer with exponential memory of a Maxwell fluid with damped shear stress
Y. Mahsud, N. A. Shah, D. Vieru
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol.76, Page: 2246-2261 (2018)
Algorithm for Primary Submodule Decomposition without Producing Intermediate Redundant Components
Journal of Algebra and its applications, Page:1-12 (2018)
Beyond Triality: Dual Quiver Gauge Theories and Little String Theories
Bastian, S. Hohenegger, A. Iqbal & Soo-Jong Rey
Journal of High Energy Physics, Page: 1-18 (2018)
On Irregularity Strength of Diamond Network
N. Hinding, D. Firmayasari, H. Basir, M. Bača & A. Semaničová-Feňovčíková
Akce International journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol.15, No.3, Page: 291-297 (2018)
Cycle-supermagic labeling of some classes of plane graphs
M. Numan, G. Ali, M. Asif & A. Semanicová-Fenovcíková
Scienceasia, Vol.44, No.2, Page: 129-134 (2018)
On total edge product cordial labeling of fullerenes
M. Baca, M. Irfan, A. Javed & A. Semanicová-Fenovcíková
Electronic Journal of Graph Theory& Applications, Vol.6, No.2, Page: 2388-249 (2018)
On topological integer additive set-labeling of star graphs
H. M. Radiapradana, S. W. Saputro, E. Suwastika, O. Neswan & A. Semanicová-Fenovcíková
Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, Vol.6, No.2 Page: 341-346 (2018)
Minimal Doubly Resolving Sets of Necklace Graph
Ahmad, M. Bača & S. Sultan
Mathematical Reports, Vol.20, No.2 Page: 123-129 (2018)
Computing edge irregularity strength of complete m-ary trees using algorithmic approach
Ahmad, M. A. Asim, M. Bača & R. Hasni
UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics, Vol.80, No.3 Page: 145-152 (2018)
On 3-total edge product cordial labeling of a carbon nanotube network
M.Bača, M. Irfan & A. Semaničová-Feňovčíková
Akce International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Page: 9 (2018)
Face Antimagic labelings of Toroidal and Klein Bottle Grid Graphs
S. I. Butt, M. Numan, S.Ali & A. Semaničová-Feňovčíková
Akce International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Page: 9 (2018)
Vertex Irregular Reflexive Labeling of Prisms and Wheels
D.Tanna, J. Ryan, A. Semaničová-Feňovčíková & M. Bača
Akce International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Page: 9 (2018)
On the Stability of the Solutions for a Delay Differential Equations with Discontinuity
Ahmad, N. Javaid, M. Rafaqat & A. Zeinev
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.112, No.1, Page: 205-218 (2017)
Sharp Bounds of the Hyper-Zagreb Index on Acyclic, Unicylic, and Bicyclic Graphs
W. Gao, M. K. Jamil, A. Javed, M. R Farahani, S. Wang & J. B. Liu.
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, (2017)
Characterization of Uni-modal Parametric Plane Curve Singularities
M. A. Binyamin, H. Mahmood, J.A. Khan, Rabia & K. Mehmood
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 16, No. 2, Page: 1750039 (2017)
Unimodal Singularities of Parametrized Plane Curves
K. Mehmood, G. Pster
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, Tome 6x (10x) No. x, 201x, xx–yy
General Holmstedt’s Formulae for the K-functional
Ahmed, G. E. Karadzhov&A. Raza, A
Journal of Function Spaces, (2017)
Perinormal Rings With Zero-divisors
A.Rani & T. Dumitrescu
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, (2017)
Gorenstein Bnomial Edge Ideals Associated with Scrolls
Dokuyucu, Halilovic & R. Irfan,
Communications in Algebra, Vol. 45, No. 6, Page: 2602-2612 (2017)
A Finiteness Condition on the Set of Overrings of Some Classes of Integral Domains
S. U. Rehman
Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Vol.18, No. 1, Page: 427–429 (2017)
Natural Convection Flow of Fractional Nanofluids Over an Isothermal Vertical Plate with Thermal Radiation
C. Fetecau, V. Dumitru & W. A. Azhar
Applied Sciences, Vol.7, No. 3, Page: 247 (2017)
Dual Little Strings From F-theory and op Transitions
S. Hohenegger, A. Iqbal & SJ. Reya
Journal of High Energy Physics, No. 7, Page: 112 (2017)
Face Labelings of Klein-Bottle Fullerences
M. Baca, M. Naseem & A. Shabbir
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, Vol. 33, No. 2, Page: 277-286 (2017)
Fundamental Solutions to Advection-diffusion Equation With Time-fractional Caputo-Fabrizio Derivative
A. Mirza& D. Vieru
Computers & Mathematics with Applications (CAMWA), Vol. 73, No. 1, Page: 1-10 (2017)
On The Connectedness Of F-Simplicial Complexes
H. Mahmood, I. Anwar, M. A. Binyamin & S. Yasmeen.
Journal of Algebra and its Applications, (16), 1-14 (2017)
SP- Rings with Zero- Divisos
M. T. Ahmed& T. Dumitrescu
Communications in Algebra, Vol. 45, Issue. 10, Page: 4435-4443 (2017)
Free Convection Flow of Some Fractional Nanofluids Over a Moving Vertical Plate With Uniform Heat Flux and Heat Source
W. A. Azhar, D. Vieru & C. Fetecau
Physics of Fluids, Vol. 29, No. 8, Page: 082001 (2017
A Scientific Report On heat Transfer Analysis in Mixed convection Flow of Maxwell Fluid Over an Oscillating vertical Plate
khan, N. A. Shah& L. C. C. Dennis
Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, Page: 1-11 (2017)
First General Solutions For Unsteady Unidirectional Motions Of Rate Type Fluids In Cylindrical Domains
N. A. Shah, C. Fetecau &D. Vieru
Alexandria Engineering Journal, (2017)
Heat Transfer Analysis In Maxwell Fluid Over An Oscillating Vertical Plate Using Fractional Caputo-Fabrizio Derivatives
Khan, N. A. Shah, Y. Mahsud &D. Vieru
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2017)
Unsteady Boundary Layer Flow Of Fractional Maxwell Fluids
Y. Mahsud, N. A. Shah & D. Vieru,
Published in Chines journal of Physics, (2017)
Free Convection Flows Over A Vertical Plate That Applies Shear Stress To A Fractional Viscous Fluid
N. A. Shah, A. A. Zafar & C. Fetecau
Alexandria Engineering Journal, (2017)
Some Unidirectional Flows Of Maxwell Fluids With Time-Dependent Viscosity And Fractional Calculus Modeling
N. A. Shah & A. A. Zafar.
Bulenten, 2017)
Refined topological strings on local ℙ2
Iqbal &C. Kozçaz
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 (3), 69
On the Classification of simple Maps From The Plane to The plane,
M.A. Binyamin, H. Mahmood & S. Kanwal
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol.16, No. 10, Page: 1750199-1 to 1750199-8 (2017)
A Note on: Quasi-linear Quotients and Shellability of Pure Simplicial Complexes
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On Certain Topological Indices of Boron Triangular Nanotubes
Aslam, S. Ahmad & W. Gao
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, Vol. 72, No. 6, Pages: 559-566 (2017)
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On Topological Indices of Certain Dendrimer Structures
Aslam, Y. Bashir, S. Ahmad & W. Gao
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, Vo. 72. No. 6, Pages: 711-717 (2017)
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Matrix Valued Truncated Toeplitz Operators: Basic Properties
R. Khan & D. Timotin
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Bound states of little strings and symmetric orbifold conformal field Theories
Ahmed, S. Hohenegger, A. Iqbal &S. J Rey
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On Some Rotational Flows Of Non-Integer Order Rate Type Fluids with Shear Stress on the Boundary
A. A Zafar, N. A Shah& N. Nigar
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Heat and Mass Transport Of Differential Type Fluid with Non-Integer Order Time-Fractional Caputo Derivatives
MA Imran, I. Khan, M Ahmad, N. A Shah &M Nazar
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General Solution for MHD-Free Convection Flow overA Vertical Plate with Ramped Wall Temperature and Chemical Reaction
N. A Shah, A. A Zafar &S Akhtar
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Influence Of Time-Fractional Derivatives On The Boundary Layer Flow Of Maxwell Fluids
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Heat Transfer Analysis of Fractional Second-Grade Fluid Subject To Newtonian Heating with Caputo and Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Derivatives: A Comparison
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Analysis Of Unsteady Natural Convective Radiating Gas Flow In A Vertical Channel By Employing The Caputo Time-Fractional Derivative
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Unsteady Free Convection Flow of Viscous Fluids with Analytical Results by Employing Time-fractional Caputo-Fabrizio derivative (without singular kernel)
NA Shah, Y Mahsud, AA Zafar
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General Solutions of Convective Flows of MHD Casson Fluid with Slip and Radiative Heat Transfer at the Boundary
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On H-irregularity Strengths of G-amalgamation of Graphs
F. Ashraf, M. Baca, A. Semani cova-Fenovc kova & A. Shabbir
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General solutions for hydromagnetic free convection flow over an infinite plate with newtonian heating, mass diffusion and chemical reaction
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Adaptive radial basis function for time dependent partial differential equations
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Exact solutions of time fractional free convection flows of viscous fluid over an isothermal vertical plate with Caputo and Caputo-Fabrizio derivatives
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A ninth-order iterative method for nonlinear equations along with polynomiography
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Double convection of heat and mass transfer flow of MHD generalized second grade fluid over an exponentially accelerated infinite vertical plate with heat absorption
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A class of nonlocal fractional evolution equations and optimal controls
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Optimal embeddings of generalized inhomogeneous Sobolev spaces
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Topological indices of the line graph of subdivision graph of complete bipartite graphs
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Filippov-Pliss lemma for dynamical inclusions on a time scale
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Nonlocal m-dissipative evolution inclusions in general Banach spaces
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On total edge irregularity strength of strong product of two cycles
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On 3-total edge product cordial labeling of honeycomb
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Some Hermite-Hadamard type integral inequalities for harmonically (p; (s;m))-convex functions
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Super d-antimagic labelings of disjoint union of generalized prisms
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Magnetohydrodynamic approach of non-Newtonian blood ow with magneticparticles in stenosed artery
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Harmonicity of proper almost complex structures on Walker 4-manifolds
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Hankel ideals of 2-minors associated with pairs of proper intervals graphs
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On entire face irregularity strength of disjoint union of plane graphs
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Fans are cycle-antimagic
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Maximum general sum-connectivity index with 1 _< 0 for bicyclic graphs
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Existence of mild solutions for a class of non-autonomous evolution equations with nonlocal initial conditions
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Unsteady helical flows of a size-dependent couple-stress fluid
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On Edge Irregular Reflexive Labellings for the Generalized Friendship Graphs
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Fractional semilinear equations with causal operators
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Gallai’s Property for Graphs in Lattices on the Torus and The Mobius Strip
A. Shabbir, T Zamfirescu
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, VOL .72, No.1, Page: 1-11(2016)
On the Connectedness of ff-Simplicial Complexes
H. Mahmood; I. Anwar; M. A. Binyamin; S. Yasmeen
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Interaction of Magnetic Field with Heat and Mass Transfer in Free Convection Flow of a Walters.-B Fluid
I. Khan; F. Khan; N.A. Shah
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Flow with Slip of Oldroyed-B fluids Over a Moving Plate
A. shakel; S. H. khan; N.A.Shah; S. U. Haq
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Unsteady Flow of Generalized Casson Fluid with Fractional Derivative Due To an Infinite Plate
I. Khan; N.A. Shah; D. Vieru
The European Physical Journal plus, Vol.131, NO.6, Page: 1-12(2016)
Heat Transfer Analysis in a Second Grade Fluid over and Oscillating Vertical Plate Using Fractional Caputo-Fabrizio Derivatives
N. A.Shah; I. Khan,
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About the Ediz Eccentric Connectivity Index Of Linear Polycene Parallelogram Benzenoid
M.R. Farahani 1; M.k .Jamil2; M.R. Rajesh Kanna
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol.7, No.1, Page: 1469-1475(2016)
Forgotten Topological Index of Chemical Structurein Drugs
W. Gao; M.K. Siddiqui; M. Imran, M.K. Jami, M.R. Farahani
Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, Vol.24, Page: 258–264(2016)
Computing the M-polynomial Of Benzenoid Molecular Graphs
M.R. Farahani; M.R.RajeshKanna; M.K. Jamil , M. Imran
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The Schultz and Modified Schultz Polynomials of Certain Subdivision and line subdivision Graphs
M.R. Farahani, M.K .Jamil
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, Vol.8 No.3, Page: 51-57 (2016)
Vertex PIv Topological Index of Titania Carbon Nanotubes TiO2 (m,n)
M.R. Farahani, M.K. Jamil, M. Imran
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Peristaltic Flow of Couple Stress Fluid in a Non-uniform Rectangular Ruct Having Compliant Walls
R. Ellahi, M.M.Bhatti, C. Fetecau, K. Vafai
Communications in Theoretical Physics, Vol.65, No.1, and Page: 66-72(2016)
On the Flow of Oldroyd-B fluids With Fractional Derivatives over a Plate That Applies Shearstress to the Fluid,
A.A. Zafar, C.Fetecau, I.A. Mirza
Mathematical Reports, Vol.18, No.68, Page: 85-108 (2016)
Effects of the Fractionalorder and Magnetic Field on the Blood Flow in Cylindrical Domains,
N.A.Shah, D.Vieru, C.Fetecau,
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Newmethods to Provide Exact Solutions For Some Unidirectional Motions Of Ratetype Fluids,
C.Fetecau, Q.Rubbab, S.Akhter, C.Fetecau,
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Flow over an Infinite Plate of a Viscous Fluid with Non-integer Order Derivative without Singular kernel,
A.A. Zafar, C.Fetecau
Alexadria Engineering Journal, Vol. 55, No.3, Page: 2789-2796(2016)
Transient Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic two-Phase Blood Flow and Thermal Transport through a Capillary Vessel,
I.A. Mirza, M. Abdulhameed, D. Vieru, S. Shafie
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol.137, Page: 149–166 (2016)
Fundamental Solutions to Advection-diffusion Equation With time-Fractional Caputo-Fabrizio Derivative,
I.A. Mirza, D.Vieru
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Harmonic Proper Almost Complex Structures on Walker 4-manifolds,
J. Davidov, A. UlHaq, O. Mushkarov,
Comptes Rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol.69, No.2, Page: 127-13(2016)
Analytical Solutions to the Fractional Advection-Diffusion Equation with Time-Dependent Pulses on the Boundary,
Q.Rubbab, I. A .Mirza, M. Z. A. Qureshi,
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On Vertex and Edge H-irregularity Strengths Of Graphs
F. Ashraf, M. Baca, Z.K.Imakova, A. Fenovcikova
Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, Vol.8 No.4, Page: 13 (2016)
Self-Duality and Self-Similarity of Little String Orbifolds
S. Hohenegger, A.Iqbal, S-J. Rey
Physical Review D, VOl.94, No.4 (2016)
Numerical Solution for Solving Special Eighthorderlinear Boundary Value Problems Using Legendre Galerkin Method
E. Zaffer; G.Akram, G .Akram; S.S.Siddiqi,
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HyersUlamstability and Discrete Dichotomy for Difference Periodic Systems
C. Buse; , D .O’Regan ;S. Olivia ; A.Tabassum,
Bulletin Des Sciences Mathematiques, VOl, 140, No.8, p.908934 (2016)
Chaikin’s Perturbation Subdivision Scheme in Nonstationaryforms
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The Weighted Reverse Poincare Type Inequality for the Difference of Two Parabolic Subsolutions
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Mathematica Slovaca, Vol.66, No.4, Page: 921-932 (2016)
On Total Labelings of Graphs with Prescribed Weights
M. Irfa; A.S.Andrea;
AkCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol.13 No.2, Page: 191-199 (2016)
Hyperbolic Forms of Ternary Nonstationarysubdivision Schemes Originated From Hyperbolic Bsplines
S.S .Siddiqi; WU .Salam; ; R. Kashif
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.301, Page: 16-27(2016)
On The Super EdgeMagicnessand The Deficiency Of Some Families of Acyclic Graphs
S .Kanwa ; S .Javed; A .Riasat
Utilitas Mathematica, Vol100, Page: 323-356 (2016)
Forgotten Topological Index of Chemical Structure in Drugs
W. Gao; M.K Siddiqui; M. Imran; M.K.Jamil ; M.R.Farahani;
Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, Vol.24 No.3, Page: 258-264(2016)
Construction of Binary Four and Five Point Nonstationarysubdivision Schemes from Hyperbolic Bsplines
S.S. Siddiqi; W.U. Salam ;R.Kashif
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.280, Page: 30-38 (2016)
(Q, T) Identities and Vertex Operators
A. Iqbal; , B.A .Qureshi; K. Shabbir;
Modern Physics Letters a Vol. 31, No.11, p.1650065 (2016)
Instantonmonopole Correspondence from Mbraneson S1 and Little String Theory
S. Hohenegger; A .Iqbal ; S.J. Rey
Physical Review D, Vol.93, No.6, p.066016 (2016)
Elliptic CY3folds and Nonperturbative Modular Transformation
A. Iqbal; K.Shabbir;
European Physical Journal c, Vol.76, No.3, Page: 1-6 (2016)
Super Dantimagiclabelings of Generalized Prism
M. Baca; M .Numan; S.F.Andrea),
Utilitas Mathematica Vol.99 Pages: 101119(2016)
Weak Solutions for Fractional Differential Equations in NonreflexiveBanach Spaces via RiemannPettis
R.P .Agarwal ; V .Lupulescu;D.O’Regan ; G.UrRahman
Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol.280, No.4, Page: 395-409 (2016)
Fejer Type Inequalities For Harmonically (s, m)Convexfunctions
I.A. Baloch; I.Iscan; S.S.Dragomir
International Journal of Analysis and Applications, Vol.12 No.2, Page: 188-197 (2016)
Jensenconvexityat a Point and 3wrightconvexityat a Point and Related Results
S .Khalid; J. Pecaric; M. Praljak,
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Relations between Generalized Von NeumannJordanand James Constants For QuasiBanachspaces
YC. Kwun, Q, Mehmood, W, Nazeer; A. U. lHaq, SM .Kang
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Vol.1, Page: 11-10 (2016)
Reiteration in Kinterpolationmethod for Quasinormedspaces
A. Irshaad, K. Georgi, R, Ali
Comptes Rendus De l Academie Bulgare Des Sciences, Vol.69, No.4, Page: 405-410 (2016)
Highly Nonconcurrent longest Paths in Lattices
Y. Bashir; F .Nadeem
Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Vol.40, NO.1, Page: 21-31 (2016)
Hermite Interpolation of Composition Function and Steffensen-Type Inequalities
Asfand Fahad, Josip Pecariˇ c and Marjan Praljak
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol.10, NO.4, Page: 1051-1062 (2016)
Universal Upper Bound for the Growth of Artin Monoids
B. Berceanu & Z. Iqbal
Communications in Algebra, Vol.43, No.5, Page: 1967-1982 (2015)
Canonical Forms of Positive Braids
U. Ali & B. Berceanu
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol.14, No.1, Page: 27 (2015)
Plane Graphs Generated Convex Polytopes with Constant Metric Dimension
M. Imran, S. A. U. H. Bokhary & A.Q.Baig
Utilitas Mathematica, (2015)
R-Sets and Metric Dimension of Necklace Graph
Tomescu & M. Imran
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol.9, No.1, Page: 63-67 (2015)
Gallai’S Property for Graphs in Lattices on the Torus and Mobius Strip
Shabbir & T. Zamfirescu
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, Vol.72, No.1, Page: 1-11 (2015)
Representation Stability of Power Sets and Square Free Polynomials
S. Ashraf, H. Azam & B. Berceanu
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol.67, Page: 1024-1045 (2015)
Indispensable Hibi Relations and Grobner Bases
A. Qureshi
Algebra Colloquium, Vol.22, No.4, Page: 567-580 (2015)
On Super Edge-Magicness and Deficiencies of Forests
S. Javed, A. Riasat & S. Kanwal
Utilitas Mathematica, Vol.98, Page: 149-169 (2015)
On Metric Dimension of Uniform Subdivisions of the Wheel
Tomescu & A. Riasat
Utilitas Mathematica, Vol.96, Page: 233-242 (2015)
Uncertain Dynamic Systems on Time Scales
U. Abbas, V. Lupulescu & G. Rahman
Journal of Uncertain System, Vol. 9, No.1, Page: 17-30 (2015)
Persistence and Stability Properties of Powers of Ideals
J. Herzog & A. A. Qureshi
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Vol.219, No.3, Page: 530-542 (2015)
Some Unidirectional Flows of Maxwell Fluids with Time-Dependent Viscosity and
Fractional Calculus Modeling
N. A. Shah & A. Ali Zafar
Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Din Iasi, Vol.61 (65), No. 4 (2015)
Value Function and Optimal Control of Differential Inclusions
T. Donchev & A. Nosheen
Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University – Mathematics, 61(1), 181-193 (2015)
Stability on Generalized Sasakian Space Forms
N. A. Rehman
Mathematical Reports, Vol.17, No.1, Page: 57-64 (2015)
Runge-Kutta Methods for Differential Equations with Variable Time of Impulses
Q. Din, T. Donchev & A. Nosheen
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Vol.36, No.6, Page: 777-791 (2015)
Highly Non-Concurrent Longest Paths in Lattices
Y. Bashir, F. Nadeem & A. Shabbir
Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Vol.40, Page: 21-31 (2015)
A Classifier for Simple Isolated Complete Intersection Singularities
D. Afzal & G. Pfister
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, Vol.52, No.1, Page: 1–11 (2015)
Hamiltonian Connectedness of Toeplitz Graphs
M. F. Nadeem, A. Shabbir & T. Zamfirescu
Mathematics in the 21st Century, Vol.98, Page: 135-149 (2015)
Hyers-Ulam Stability and Discrete Dichotomy
D. Barbu, C. Buse & A. Tabassum
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.423, No.2,
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Binomial Edge Ideals and Rational Normal Scrolls
F. Chaudhry, A. Dokuyucu & V. Ene
Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society, Vol. 41, No.4, Page: 971-979 (2015)
Graphs with Fixed Number of Pendent Vertices and Minimal
First Zagreb Index
Gutman, M. K. Jamil & N. Akhter
Transactions on Combinatorics, Vol.4, No.1, Page: 43-48 (2015)
Generalized Steffensen’s Inequality
Fahad, J. Pecaric & M. Pralijak
Journal of Mathematical and Inequalities, Vol.9, No.2, Page: 481-487 (2015)
Caratheodory Differential Equations On Cones
T. Donchev, D.Kolev, A.Lazi, A.Nosheen, M. Rafaqat & A.Zeinev
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 98, No.1, Page: 129-143
Tree-Antimagicness of Disconnected Graphs
M. Baca, Z. Kimakova, A. S. Fenovcikova & M. A. Umar
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol.4, (2015)
Extremal Topological Indices for Graphs of Given Connectivity
Tomescu, M. Arshad & M. K, Jamil
Filomat, Vol.29, No.7, Page: 1639-1643 (2015)
On the General Sum-Connectivity Index of Connected Unicyclic Graphs with ⱪ Pendant
Tomescu & M. Arshad
Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.181, Page: 306-309 (2015)
On Super Edge-Antimagic Total Labeling of Toeplitz Graphs
M. Baca, Y. Bashir, M. F. Nadeem & A. Shabbir
Springer Proceedings Mathematics & Statistics in the 21st Century, Vol.98, Page: 1-11
On Characteristic Poset and Stanley Decomposition of $S/I$’
S. Ahmad& I. Anwar
Algebra Colloquium, Vol. 22, No.1, Page: 739-744 (2015)
Instanton-Monopole Correspondence from M-Branes on S^1 and Little String Theory
S. Hohenegger, A. Iqbal & S.J. Rey
Physical Review D, Vol.93, No.6 (2015)
Elliptic CY3folds and Non-Perturbative Modular Transformation
Iqbal & K. Shabbir
The European Physical Journal C, Vol.76, No.3 (2015)
Topological Field Theory Amplitudes for A_ {N-1} Fibration
Iqbal, A. Z. Khan, B.A. Qureshi, K. Shabbir & M.A. Shehper
Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol.12 (2015)
Brane Webs and Random Processes
Iqbal, B.A. Qureshi, K. Shabbir& M. A Shehper
International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 30, No.33 (2015)
Computing the Topological Indices for Certain Families of Graphs
S. Sultan, W. Gharibi & A. Ahmad
Science International, Vol. 27, No.6, Page: 4957-4961 (2015)
Permanent Solutions for Some Axial Motions of Generalized Burgers Fluids in Cylindrical Domains
C. Feteccu, C. Fetecauz & S. Akhtar
Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci. Ser. Math. Appl. Vol.7, No. 2 (2015)
Unsteady Rotational Flows of an Oldroyd-B Fluid due to Tension on the Boundary
Rauf, A. A. Zafar & I. A. Mirza
Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol.54, Page: 973-979 (2015)
On Flows of Generalized Second Grade Fluids Generated by an Oscillating Flat Plate
M. B. Riaz, A. A. Zafar & D. Vieru
Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Din IASI, Vol. LXI (LXV), No.1, Page: 99-113 (2015)
Unicyclic Connected Graphs Having Smallest Degree Distances
Tomescu & S. Kanwal
Utilitas Mathematica, Vol.97, Page: 161-181 (2015)
The Influence of Ekman Number on Flows Over an Oscillating Isothermal Vertical Plate in a Rotating Frame
M. A. Imran, D. Vieru & I. A. Mirza
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Torsional Oscillations of a Sphere in a Second Grade Fluid
C. Fetecă, N. Nigar & C. Fetecău
Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Din Iasi Publicat de Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe
Asachi”Din Iasi, Vol. lxi (lxv), No. 1 (2015)
First General Solutions for Unidirectional Motions of Rate Type Fluids Over an Infinite Plate
C. Fetecau, N. Nigar, D. Vieru1, C. Fetecau
Communications in Numerical Analysis, Vol.2, Page: 125-138 (2015)
Magnetohydrodynamics Approach of the Non-Newtonian Blood Flow with Magnetic Particlesin Stenosed Artery
I.A. Mirza, M. A. Hameed & S. Shafie
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On the Dichotomy of Non-Autonomous Systems over Finite Dimensional Spaces
Zada, S. Arshad, G. Rahmat & A. Khan
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On Unsteady Rotational Flows Of An Oldroyd-B Fluid Due To A Time Dependent Tension
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Rauf, A. A. Zafar & I. A. Mirza
Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 54, No. 4, Page: 973-979 (2015)
Irregular labelings of helm and sun graphs
Ahmad, Ali, Arshad, Misbah & Izarikova, Gabriela
AKCE Int. J. Graphs Comb, Vol.12, No. 2-3, Page: 161-168 (2015)
Refinements of the majorization theorems via Fink identity and related results
S.Khalid, J.Pecaric & A. Vukelic
J. Class. Anal, Vol. 7, No. 2, 129-153 (2015)
Bycylic graphs with minimum general sum-connectivity index for 1 _ _ < 0
N.Akhter & I.Tomesco
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Some Ostrowski type inequalities for harmonically (s;m)-convex functions in second sense
I.A.Baloch & I.Iscan
Int. J. Anal, Page: 9 (2015)
A Schreier domain type condition II
Ahmad, Zaheer, Dumitrescu, Tiberiu & Epure, Mihai
Algebra Colloq, Vol. 22, Special Issue no. 1, 923-934 (2015)
Fibonacci numbers and positive braids
Ashraf, Rehana,Berceanu, Barbu & Riasat, Ayesha
Ars Combin, Vol. 122, Page: 299-306 (2015)
Neutral set differential equations
Abbas, Umber, Lupulescu, Vasile, O’Regan, Donald &Younus, Awais
Czechoslovak Math. J, Vol. 65(140), No. 3, Page: 593-615 (2015)
Hyers-Ulam stability and exponential dichotomy of linear differential periodic systems are equivalent
Barbu, Dorel, Buse, Constantin & Tabassum, Afshan
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A combined binary 6-point subdivision scheme
Rehan, Kashif & Siddiqi, Shahid S.
Appl. Math. Comput, Vol. 270, Page: 130-135 (2015)
Super d-antimagic labeling of uniform subdivision of wheel
M.Imran, M.K.Siddiqui & M.Numan
Politehn. Univ. Bucharest Sci. Bull. Ser. A Appl. Math. Phys, Vol.77, No. 2, Page: 227-
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Steffensen’s generalization of Cebysev inequality
K.M.Awan & J.Percaric & Atiq Ur Rehman
J. Math. Inequal, Vol. 9, No. 1, 155-163 (2015)
Generalization of Levinson’s inequality
I.A.Baloch, J.Percaric & M. Praljak
J. Math. Inequal, Vol. 9, no. 2, Page: 571-586 (2015)
Parameter’s estimate in Wilson equation
Hristova, M, Donchev, T, Kolev, D, Baloch, I & Georgiev, H.
Int. Electron. J. Pure Appl. Math, Vol. 9, No. 1, Page: 29-35 (2015)
Approximation on curves
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On the motion induced by a at plate that applies oscillating shear stresses to an Oldroyd-B fuid: applications
C.Fetecau,Fetecau, Corina & Vieru, Dumitru
Mathematics in the 21st century, Springer Proc. Math. Stat, Vol. 98, Springer, Basel, Page:
Fractional calculus and fractional di_erential equations in nonreexive Banach spaces
Agarwal, Ravi P.Lupulescu, Vasile, O’Regan, Donal & Ur Rahman, Ghaus
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul, Vol.20, No. 1, 59-73 (2015)
Fibonacci Modules and Multiple Fibonacci Sequences
R. Nizami
ARS Combinatoria, Vol.113, Page: 151-159 (2014)
On Super (a, 2)-Edge-Antimagic Total Labeling of Disconnected Graphs
M. Baca, F. A.Muntaner-Batle, A. S. Fenovcikova & M.K. Shafiq
ARS Combinatoria, Vol.113, Page: 129-137 (2014)
Total Edge Irregularity Strength of a Categorical Product of Two Paths
Ahmad & M. Baca
ARS Combinatoria, Vol.114, No.1, 203-212 (2014)
On the Product C m Ө h {C m, C n } and Other Related Topics
Ahmad, F.A. Muntaner-Battle & M. Rius-Font
ARS Combinatoria, Vol.117, Page: 303-310 (2014)
Lexsegment Ideals are Sequentially Cohen-Macaulay
M. Ishaq
Algebra Colloquium, Vol.21, No.4, Page: 551-560 (2014)
Super Edge-Magic Labeling of Volvox and Pancyclic Graphs
H.U.Afzal, A.Q.Baig, M.Imran & I. Javaid
Utilitas Mathematica, Vol.93, Page: 49-56 (2014)
Uniform Exponential Stability for Discrete Non-Autonomous Systems VIA Discrete
Evolution Semigroups
C.Buse, A. Khan, G. Rahmat & A. Tabassum
Bulletin Mathématiquede la Société des SciencesMathématiques de Roumanie,
Vol.57, No.2, Page: 193-205(2014)
Refinement of Jensen’s Inequality for Operator Convex Functions
L. Horvath, K. Ali Khan & J. Pecaric
Advances in Inequalities and Applications, (2014)
Kernel Operators on The Upper Half-Space:Boundedness And Compactness Criteria
U. Ashraf, M. Asif & A. Meskhi
Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Vol.38, No.1, Page: 119-135 (2014)
Fault-Tolerant Designs in Lattice Networks on the Klein Bottle
Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Application, Vol. 2, No.2, Page: 99-109 (2014)
Generalizations and Improvements of an Inequality of Hardy-Littlewood-Polya
S. Khalid & J. Pecaric
Matematičke znanosti, Vol.18, Page: 73-89 (2014)
The Binomial Edge Ideal of a Pair of Graphs
V. Ene, J. Herzog, T. Hibi & A. A. Qureshi
Nagoya Mathematical Journal, Vol.213, Page: 105 – 125 (2014)
Complex Symmetry of Composition Operators Induced By Involutive Ball Automorphisms
S.W. Noor
American Mathematical Society, Vol.142, No.9, Page: 3103-3107 (2014)
On the Characterization of ʄ-Ideals
I.Anwar, M.A. Binyamin, H. Mahmood & M.K. Zafar
Communications in Algebra, Vol.42, Page: 3736-3741(2014)
On the Classification of Simple Singularities in Positive Characteristic
D. Afzal, M. A. Binyamin & F. K. Janjua
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Vol. 22, No.2, Page: 5-19 (2014)
Star Almost Schreier Domains
Z. Ahmad & T. Dumitrescu
Communications inAlgebra, Vol. 42, No.11, Page: 4898-4910 (2014)
Cohomology of 3-Pints Configuration Spaces of Complex Projective Spaces
S. Ashraf & B. Berceanu
Advances in Geometry, Vol.14, No.4, Page: 691–718 (2014)
A Few Comments on Matlis Duality
W. Mahmood
International Electronic Journal of Algebra, Vol.15, Page: 66-76 (2014)
Existence Results for Random Fractional Differential Equations
V. Lupulescu, D. O’Regan & G. U. Rahman
Opuscula Mathematica, Vol.34, No.4, Page: 813-825 (2014)
MHD Oscillating Flows of Rotating Second Grade Fluid in a Porous Medium
M.A. Imran, M. Imran & C. Fetecau
Communications in Numerical Analysis, Page: 1-12 (2014)
Grothendieck-Lidskiїḭn Theorem for Subspaces of Quotients of Lp- Spaces
O. Reinov & Q. Latif
Banach Center Publications, (2014)
n-Exponential Convexity for Favard and Berwald Inequalities and Their Applications
R. Khan, N. Latif & J. Pecaric
Advances in Inequalities and Applications, (2014)
Fuzzy Integro-Differential Equations with Compactness Type Conditions
T. Donchev, A. Nosheen & V. Lupulescu
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 43, No.2, Page: 259 – 267 (2014)
Some Dynamic Hardy-Type Inequalities with General Kernel
M. Bohner, A. Nosheen, J. Pecaric & A. Younus
Journal of Mathematical and Inequalities, Vol.8, No.1, Page: 185-199 (2014)
Fuzzy Differential Equations Under Dissipative and Compactness Type Conditions
T. Donchev& A. Nosheen
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol.47, Page: 1–9 (2014)
LP-Solutions for Fractional Integral Equations
S.Arshad, V. Lupulescu & D. O’ Regan
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol.17, No.1, Page: 259-276 (2014)
Solving Via Modular Methods
D. Afzal, F. K. Janjua, G. Pfister &S. Steidel
Bridging Algebra, Geometry, and Topology, Vol.96, Page: 1-9 (2014)
On Super Edge-Antimagic Total Labeling of Toeplitz Graphs
M. Baca, Y. Bashir, M. F. Nadeem & A. Shabbir
Mathematics in the 21st Century, Vol.98, Page: 1-10 (2014)
Compatible Almost Complex Structures on Twistor Spaces and Their Gray-Hervella
D. Ali, J. Davidov & O. Mushkarov
Journal of Geometry and Physics, Vol.75, Page: 213–229 (2014)
Holomorphic Curvatures of Twistor Spaces
D. Ali, J. Davidov & O. Mushkarov
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, Vol.11, No.3 (2014)
A Classifier for Unimodular Isolated Complete Intersection space Curve Singularities
D. Afzal &G. Pfister
Analele Universitatii “Ovidius” Constanta – Seria Matematica, Page: 0-19 (2014)
Spectral Characterizations for Hyers-Ulam Stability
C. Buse, O. Saierli & A. Tabassum
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, Vol.30, Page:1-14 (2014)
Viability of Fractional Differential Inclusions
O. Carja, T. Donchev, M. Rafaqat & R. Ahmed
Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol.38, Page: 48-51 (2014)
Magnetohydrodynamic Natural Convection Flow with Newtonian Heating and Mass
Diffusion over an Infinite Plate That Applies Shear Stress to a Viscous Fluid
D. Vieru, C. Fetecau, C. Fetecau & N. Nigar
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, Vol.69, Page: 714 -724 (2014)
First Exact Solutions for Flows of Rate Type Fluids in a Circular Duct That Applies a
Constant Couple to the Fluid
Fetecau, M. Rana, N. Nigar & C. Fetecau
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, Vol.69, Page: 232 -238 (2014)
Magnetohydrodynamics of Rotating fractional Second Grade Fluid in Porous Medium
A. Zafar, D. Vieru & S. Akhtar
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 10, Page: 45-58 (2014)
Total Vertex Irregularity Strength of Certain Classes of Unicyclic Graphs
Ahmad, M .Baca & Y. Bashir
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, Vol. 57, No.2, Page: 147-152 (2014)
Highly Nonconcurrent Longest Paths and Cycles in Lattices
Y. Bashir
Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 38, No.3, 375-383 (2014)
On edge irregular total labeling of categorical product of two cycles
Ahmed, M. Baca & M.K. Siddiqui
Theory Comput. Syst, Vol. 54, No.1 Page: 1-12 (2014)
Representation theory for the Kri_z model
S.Ashraf, H.Azam & B. Berceanu
Algebr. Geom. Topol, Vol. 14, No.1, Page: 57-90 (2014)
Unicyclic graphs of given girth k _ 4 having smallest general sum-connectivity
I.Tomescu & S. Kanwal
Discrete Appl. Math, Vol. 164, Page: 344-348 (2014)
Weak real integral characterizations for exponential stability of semigroups in
reexive spaces
C.Buse, A.Khan, G.Rehmat & O.Saierli
Semigroup Forum, Vol. 88, No.1, Page: 195-204 (2014)
Optimal embeddings of Calder_on spaces in Holder-Zygmund spaces
Z.Bashir, F.Cobos & G.E. Karadzhov
Math. Scand, Vol. 114, Vol. 1, Page: 120-148 (2014)
A classifer for simple space curve singularities
F.K.Janjua & G.Pfister
Studia Sci. Math. Hungar, Vol. 51, No.1, Page: 92-104 (2014)
Total edge irregularity strength of generalized prism
M.Baca, M.K.Siddiqui
Appl. Math. Comput Vol. 235, Page: 168-173 (2014)
Unsteady flow of a Maxwell fluid with fractional derivatives in a circular cylinder moving with a nonlinear velocity
M. Athar, A.U.Awan, C. Fetecau & R. Mehwish
Quaest. Math, Vol. 37, No.1, Page: 139-156 (2014)
On the boundedness of maximal and potential operators in variable exponent
amalgam spaces
A.Meskhi, Alexander & M.A.Zaighum
J. Math. Inequal, Vol. 8, No.1, Page: 123-152 (2014)
Controllability, observability, and stability of a Volterra integro-dynamic system on time scales
Younus, Awais & ur Rahman, Ghaus
J. Dyn. Control Syst, Vol. 20, No. 3, Page: 383-402 (2014)
n-exponential convexity of weighted Hermite-Hadamard’s inequality
I.S,Butt, R. Jaksic, L. Kvesic & J. Pecaric
J. Math. Inequal Vol. 8, No. 2, Page: 299-311 (2014)
n-exponential convexity of some dynamic Hardy-type functional
K.A.Khan,A. Nosheen & J. Pecaric
J. Math. Inequal, Vol. 8, No. 2, Page: 331-347(2014)
Hamiltonian cycles in directed Toeplitz graphs- Part 2
Ars Combin, Vol. 116, Page: 303-319 (2014)
Braid groups in complex spaces
S.Manfredini, S. Parveen, Saima & S.Settepanella
Boll. Unione Mat. Ital, Vol. 7, No. 2 Page: 157-168 (2014)
On some unsteady motions of second grade uids in a rectangular edge
C.Fetecau,M.A Imran, M.I.Asjad & A. Sohail
Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci. Ser. Math. Appl, Vol. 6, No.1, 74-91 (2014)
The stable set of associated prime ideals of a squarefree principal Borel ideal
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.) Vol. 57(105), No. 3, Page: 243-252 (2014)
Irregular total labeling of disjoint union of prisms and cycles
Ahmad, Ali, M. Baca & M.K. Siddiqui
Australas. J. Combin, Vol. 59, Page: 98-106 (2014)
On an inequality of I. Peric
S.Khalid, J. Pecaric & M. Praljak
Math. Commun, Vol. 19, No.2, Page: 221-242 (2014)
On sharp weighted bounds for one-sided operators norms
Kokilashvili, V. Meskhi, A &Zaighum, M. A.
Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst. Vol.164, Page: 121-129 (2014)
Maximum general sum-connectivity index for trees with given independence number
I.Tomescu & M. K.Jamil
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem, Vol. 72, No. 3, Page: 715-722 (2014)
Generalizations of Opial-type inequalities in several independent variables
Andri_c, Maja, Barbir, Ana,J.Pecaric & Roqia, Gholam
Demonstr. Math, Vol. 47, No. 4, Page: 839-847 (2014)
Symbolic powers of monomial ideals which are generically complete intersection
Math. Rep. (Bucur.), Vol. 16(66), No. 1, 69-81 (2014)
Numerical methods for delayed di_erential equations with discontinuites.[Corrected title: Numerical methods for delayed differential equations with discontinuities]
Donchev, T,Kolev, D. Nosheen, A.Rapaqat, M. & Zeinev, A.
Pliska Stud. Math. Bulgar, Vol. 23, Page: 57-66 (2014)
Total edge irregularity strength of strong product of cycles and paths
A.Ahmed, Al-Mushayt, Omar & M.K. Siddiqui
Politehn. Univ. Bucharest Sci. Bull. Ser. A Appl. Math. Phys, Vol. 76, No. 4, Page: (2014)
The n-exponential convexity for majorization inequality for functions of two variables and related results
Adil Khan, M.Khalid, Sadia & J.Pecaric
Acta Comment. Univ. Tartu. Math, Vol. 18, No. 2, Page: 221-237 (2014)
Linear impulsive Volterra integro-dynamic system on time scales
Agarwal, Ravi P, Awan, Abdul Sami,O’Regan, Donal & Younus, Awais
Adv. Difference Equ, Vol.6, Page: 17 (2014)
Real analysis on intervals
A.D. Choudary &C.P. Niculescu
Springer, New Delhi, Vol.12, Page: 525 (2014)
Hamiltonian Cycles in Directed Toeplitz Graphs
S. Malik & A.Mahmood
ARS Combinatoria, (2013)
On Vertex Irregular Total Labelings
Ahmad & M. Baca
ARS Combinatoria, Vol.112, Page: 129-139 (2013)
Classes of Convex Polytopes with Constant Metric Dimension
M. Imran, A. Q. Baig, M. K Shafiq& A. S.Fenovickova
Utilitas Mathematica,Vol. 90, Page: 85-99 (2013)
More About Jensen’s Inequality and Caushy’s Means for Superquadratic Functions
S. Abramovich, G. Farid& J. Pecaric
Journal of Mathematical and Inequalities, Vol. 7, No. 1, Page: 11-14 (2013)
A Note on the Unsteady Flow of a Fractional Maxwell Fluid through a Circular Cylinder
A.U.Awan, N.Shahid & M.Athar
ActaMechanicaSinica, Vol. 28, No. 2, Page: 308-314 (2013)
Exact Analytica Solutions for a Longitudinal Flow of a Fractional Mazwell Fluid Between Two Coaxial Cylinders
A.U.Awan, M.Athar, M. Kamran &M.Imran
Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, Vol.45, Page: 9-23 (2013)
On Classes of Regular Graphs Having Constant Metric Dimension
M. Imran, S. A. U. H. Bokhary, A. Ahmad & A. S.Fenovcikova
Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol. 33, No. 1, Page: 187-206 (2013)
Symbolic Powers of Monomial Ideals Which Are Generically Complete Intersections
Mathematical Reports,Vol. 16, No.1 (2013)
Conditional Bayesian Task of Testing Many Hypotheses
K.J. Kachiashvili & A. Mueed
Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics,Vol. 47 No.2 (2013)
Almost Condensed Domains
W.Khalid & S. U. Rahman
AnaleleUniversitatii “Ovidius” Constanta – SeriaMatematica,
Vol. 21, No.1, Page: 143-152 (2013)
Highly Non-Concurrent Longest Cycles in Latices Graphs
Discrete Mathematics,Vol. 313, No. 19, Page: 1908-1914 (2013)
Embeddings of Muntz Spaces: The Hilbertian Case
S. W. Nor & D. Timotin
American Mathematical Society, Vol. 141, No. 6, (2013)
On Approximately Cohen-Macaulay Binomial Edge Ideal
S. Zafar
Bulletin Mathématiques de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie,
Vol. 55, No.103, Page: 4 (2013)
Numerical Approximations of Impulsive Delay Differential Equations
Q. Din, T.Donchev & D.Kolev
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, (2013)
Exact Solutions for the Unsteady Rotational Flow of an Oldroyd-B Fluid with Fractional
Derivatives Induced by a Circular Cylinder
M. Kamran, M. Imran & M. Athar
Zeitschriftenartikelaus Meccanica, Vol. 48, No.5,Page: 1215-1226 (2013)
On an Inequality of G.H. Hardy for Convex Function with Fractional Integral and
Fractional Derivatives
S. Iqbal, K.Krulic & J.Pecaric
Homology, Homotopy and Applications, Vol. 6, (2013)
Some Couette Flows of a Maxwell Fluid with Wall Slip Condition
D.Vieru & A. Ali Zafar
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1, Page: 209-219 (2013)
Ideal Generated By Diagonal 2-Minors
V. Ene & A. A. Qureshi
Communications in Algebra, Vol. 41, No. 8 (2013)
Fractional MHD Oldroyd-B Fluid Over an Oscillating Plate
M. Jamil, N. A. Khan & N. Shahid
Thermal Science, Vol. 17, No. 4 (2013)
Mixed Symmetric Means Related to The Classical Jensen’s Inequality
K. A. Khan & J.Pecaric
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol. 7, No. 1, Page: 43-62 (2013)
Slip Effects on Free Convection Flow Near a Moving Vertical Plate with Newtonian
A.Sohail, Samiulhaq & D. Vieru
BuletinulInstitutuluiPolitehnic Din IaşiPublicat de Universitatea
Tehnică, Gheorghe Asachi din Iaşi, Vol. 59 No. 63, Page: 1 (2013)
On Average Values of Convex Functions
J. Pecaric, I. Peric, & Roqia
AequationesMathematicae, Vol. 86, No. 1, Page: 137-154 (2013)
On Generalized HermiteHadamard’s Inequality
M. Anwar,J.Pecaric & G.Roqia
Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (JJMS)
Vol. 6, No.3, Page: 225 -249 (2013)
On Invariants and Endomorphism Rings Of Certain Local Cohomology Modules
W.Mahmood & P.Schenzel
Journal of Algebra, No. 372, Page: 56-67 (2013)
Algebraic Properties of the Binomial Edge Ideal of a Complete Bipartite Graph
P.Schenzel & S. Zafar
An. S¸t. Univ. Ovidius Constant. A, Vol. 22, No. 2, Page: 217-237 (2013)
On The Non-Cohen-Macaulayness of Certain Factorial Closures
M.Imtiaz & P.Schenzel
Communications in Algebra, Vol. 41, Page: 3397-3413 (2013)
Ordering Trees Having Small General Sum-Connectivity Index
I.Tomescu & S.Kanwal
MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, (2013)
On Metric Dimension of Flower Graphs ʄ nxm and Convex Polytopes
M. Imran, F. Bashir, A. Q.Baig, S. A. U. H.Bokhary, A.Riasat & I.Tomescu
UtilitasMathematica, No. 92, Page: 389-409 (2013)
On The Chromaticity of Quasi Linear Hypergraphs
I.Tomescu & S.Javed
Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 29, No. 6, Page: 1921-1926 (2013)
Chromatically Equivalent К-Bridge Hypergraphs
I.Tomescu & S.Javed
Mathematical Report, (2013)
The Stable Set of Associated Prime Ideals of a Squarefree Principal Borel Ideal
Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie, (2013)
The Influence of Deborah Number on Some Couette Flows of a Maxwell Fluid
N.Shahid & M.Rana
International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2013)
Starting Solutions for Motion of a Maxwell Fluid Over an Infinite Plate the Apples an
Oscillating Shear to the Fluid
M.A. Imran,A.Sohail & N.Shaid
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 11 (2013)
Labelings of Type (1, 1, 1) for Toroidal Fullerenes
M. Baca, M.Numan & A.Shabbir
Journal of Turkish Mathematics, Vol. 37, Page: 899-907 (2013)
On The Existence and Uniqueness of Solution of Fuzzy Fractional Differential Equations
S. Arshad
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 10, No. 6, Page: 137-151 (2013)
On Class of Controlled Functional Differential Inclusions
S. Arshad & V.Lupulescu
Le Matematiche, Vol. 68, No. 1, Page: 53-64 (2013)
On Some Inequalities for Functions with Nondecreasing Increments of Higher Order
R. Khan, J.Pecaric & S.Varosanec
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Issue.1, Pages: 8 (2013)
n-Exponential Convexity for Jensen-Type Inequalities
R. Khan, J.Pecaric. & M. R.Lipanovic
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol. 7, No. 3, Page: 313-335 (2013)
Popoviciu Type Characterization of Positivity of Sums and Integrals for Convex Functions of Higher Order
R. Khan, J.Pecaric & S.Varosanec
Journal of Mathematical and Inequalities, Vol. 7, No. 2, Page: 195-212 (2013)
On The Betti Numbers of Some Classes of Binomial Edge Ideals
Z.Zahid & S. Zafar
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2013)
Twistor Spaces with Positive Holomorphic Bisectional Curvature
D. Ali, J.Davidov & O.Mushkarov
Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci,Vol. 66, No. 3 (2013)
On Grothendieck-Lidskii Trace Formulas and Applications to Approximation Properties
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 9, Page: 11-17 (2013)
Characterizations of Stability for Discrete Semigroups of Bounded Linear Operators
G.Rahmat, G. Ali,A.Zada & A.Tabassum
International Journal of Mathematics and Soft Computing,
Vol. 3, No.3, Page: 15-19 (2013)
Weighted Montgomery’s Identities for Higher Order Differentiable Functions of Two
R. Khan, J.Pecaric & M.Praljak
Journal of Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory,
Vol. 42, No. 1, Page: 49-71 (2013)
Hardy-Type Inequalities on Time Scale via Convexity in Several Variables
T. Donchev, A.Nosshen & J.Pecaric
ISRN Mathematical Analysis, (2013)
Fuzzy Functional Differential Equations Under Dissipative-Type Conditions
T.Donchev & A.Nosheen
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 65, No.6, Page: 873-883 (2013)
One-Sided Perron Differential Inclusions
T.Donchev, A.I.Lazu & A. Nosheen
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, Vol. 21, No. 2, Page: 283-296 (2013)
Harmonic Maps on Kenmotsu Manifolds
N. A.Rehman
AnaleleUniversitatii “Ovidius” Constanta – SeriaMatematica,
Vol. 21, No. 3, Page: 197-208 (2013)
Interesecting Longest Paths and Longest Cycles: A Survey
A.Shabbir, C. T. Zamfirescu & T. I. Zamfirescu
Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Application, Vol. 1, No. 1, Page: 56-76 (2013)
On Uniform Exponential Stability and Exact Admissibility of Discrete Semigroups
Khan, G.Rahmat & A.Zada
International Journal of Differential Equations, (2013)
On an Inequality of G. H. Hardy for Convex Function with Fractional Integrals and Fractional Derivatives
S.Iqbal, K.K.Himmelreich & J.Pečarić
Tbil. Math. J, Page: 1-12, (2013)
A New Estimation of the Growth Bound of a Periodic Evolution Family on Banach Spaces
C.Buse, A.Khan, G.Rahmat & A.Tabassum
Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, (2013)
One-Sided Perron Differential InclusionsSet-Valued
T.Donchev, A.I.Lazu &A.Nosheen
Var. Anal, (2013)
Labelings of Type (1,1,1) for Toroidal Fullerenes
M.Bača, M.Numan & A.Shabbir
Turkish J. Math, Vol. 37, No.6, Page: 899-907 (2013)
Planar Lattice Graphs with Gallai’s Property
F.Nadeem, A.Shabbir & T.Zamfirescu
Graphs Combin, Vol. 29, No. 5, Page: 1523-1529 (2013)
Intersecting Longest Paths and Longest Cycles: a Survey
A.Shabbir, C. T.Zamfirescu & T.I.Zamfirescu
Electron. J. Graph Theory Appl, Vol. 1, No.1, Page: 56-76 (2013)
Highly Non-Concurrent Longest Cycles in Lattice Graphs
A.Shabbir & T.Zamfirescu
Discrete Math, Vol. 333 No. 19, Page: 1908-1914 (2013)
Qualitative Aspects of a VolterraIntegro-Dynamic System on Time Scales
V.Lupulescu, S.K.Ntouyas & A.Younus
Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ, No.5, Page: 1-35 (2013)
Weighted Kernel Operators in Variable Exponent Amalgam Spaces
V.Kokilashvili, A.Meskhi & M. A.Zaighum
J. Inequal. Appl, (2013)
Total Edge Irregularity Strength of Toroidal Fullerene
M.Bača, M.Lascsáková, & M. K.Siddiqui
Math. Comput. Sci, Vol. 7, No. 4, Page: 487-492 (2013)
Total Edge Irregularity Strength of the Disjoint Union of Helm Graphs
M. K.Siddiqui, E. T.Baskoro & Nurdin
J. Math. FundamSci, Vol. 45, No.2, Page: 163-171, (2013)
Super Face AntimagicLabelings of Union of Antiprisms
M.Bača, M. Numan, &M.K.Siddiqui
Math. Comput. Sci, Vol. 7, No.2, Page: 245-253 (2013)
Distribution of Eigenvalues of Nuclear Operators and Grothendieck-Lindsii Type Ormulas Problems in Mathematical analysis
O. I.Reinov & Q.Latif
J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), Vol. 193, No. 2 (2013)
Grothendieck-Lidskiĭ Theorem for Subspaces of Lp-Spaces
O.Reinov & Q.Latif
Math. Nachr. Vol. 286. No.2-3, Page: 279-282 (2013)
Optimal Embeddings of Generalized Sobolev Spaces in Hölder- Ygmund Spaces
G. E.Karadzhov & Q.Mehmood
C. R. Acad. BulgareSci, Vol. 66, No. 6, Page: 777-784 (2013)
Optimal Regularity Properties of the Riesz Potential Operator
G. E.Karadzhov & Q.Mehmood
Commun. Math. Anal, Vol. 14, No. 1, Page: 118-132 (2013)
Non-Symmetric Stolarsky Means
S. I.Butt, J.Pečarić & A. U. Rehman
J. Math. Inequal, Vol.7, No. 2, Page: 227-237 (2013)
3-Convex Functions and Generalizations of an Inequality of Hardy-Littlewood-Pólya
K.Sadia; P.Josip & P.Marjan
Glas. Mat. Ser. III, Vol. 48, No. 2, Page: 335-356 (2013)
Refinements of Some Majorization Type Inequalities
M. A.Khan, S.Khalid & J.Pečarić
J. Math. Inequal, Vol. 7, No.1, Page: 73-92 (2013)
On the Refinements of the Integral Jensen-Steffensen Inequality
S. Khalid & J.Pečarić
Journal of inequalities, (2013)
On Existenceand Uniqueness of Solution of Fuzzy Fractional Differential Equations
S. Arshad
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy systems, Vol. 10, No. 6, Page: 137-151 (2013)
Starting Solutions for Motion of a Maxwell Fluid Over an Infinite Plate that Applies an
Oscillating Shear to the Fluid
M. A. Imran, A. Sohail & N.Shahid
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,
Vol.38, No. 11, Page: 3181-3190 (2013)
Chromatically Equivalent k-bridge Hypergraphs
I.Tomescu & S.Javed
Mathematical Reports, Vol. 15, No. 3, Page: 281-285 (2013)
Influence of Side Walls on the Oscillating Motion of a Maxwell Fluid over an Infinite Plate
Sohail, D. Vieru & M.A. Imran
Mechanika, Vol. 19, No. 3, Page: 269-276 (2013)
Almost Quasi-Schreier Domains
Z. Ahmad& T. Dumitrescu
Communications in Algebra, Vol. 41, No. 5, Page: 1685-1696 (2013)
n–Exponential Convexity ofHary-Type and Bosas-Type Functional
S. Iqbal, K. K. Himmelreich, J. Pecaric & D.Pokaz
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol. 7, No. 4, Page: 739–750 (2013)
Weakened Condition for the Stability of Solutions of Parabolic Equations with “MAXIMA”
D. Kolev, T.Donchevy & K. Nakagawa
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics,Vol. 9,Page: 01-10 (2013)
On Grothendieck-Lidskii Trace Formulas and Applications to Approximation Properties
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics,Vol. 9,Page: 11-17 (2013)
Weight Characterization of the Boundedness for the Riemann-Liouville Discrete Transform
Meskhia & G.Murtaza
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics,Vol. 9, Page: 34-50 (2013)
Elementary Calculus in Chevalley Groups Over Rings
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics,Vol. 9, Page: 79-95 (2013)
Face Antimagic Labeling of Jahangir Graph
M. K. Siddiqui, M.Numan & M.A. Umar
Mathematics in Computer Science, Vol. 7, No. 2, Page: 237-243 (2013)
Lattice Graphs with Gallai’s Property
Y. Bashir &T.Zamfirescu
Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie, (2013)
Total Edge Irregularity Strength of the Disjoint Union of Sun Graphs
M.K. Siddiqui, A. Ahmad, M.F.Nadeem &Y. Bashir
International Journal of Mathematics and soft computing,
Vol. 3, No. 1, Page: 21-27(2013)
On Logarithmic Convexity for Giaccardi’s Difference
J. Pečarić & A.U. Rehman
Rad HAZU, Vol. 515, Page: 1-10 (2013)
Multi-Level Distance Labelings for Helm Graphs
M.T. Rahim
ARS Combinatoria, (2012)
Families of Plane Graphs with Constant Metric Dimension
M. Imran, A.Q. Baig & A. Ahmad
Utilitas Mathematica, Vol.88 (2012)
On Super Edge-magicness of Graphs
Ahmad, A.Q. Baig & M. Imran
Utilitas Mathematica, Vol.89 (2012)
Giaccardi’s Inequality for Convex-Concave Antisymmetric Functions and Applications
J. Pecaric & A. U. Rehman
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Vol.36, No.6 (2012)
Sustainable Development of Production on the Base of Statistical Risk Analysis
K.J. Kachiashvili, M.A. Hashmi & A. Mueed
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, (2012)
Log- Convexity and Cauchy Means Related to Berwald, s Inequality
N. Latif, J. Pecaric & I. Peric
Journal of Mathematical and Inequalitie, Vol. 6, No.1, Page: 43-56 (2012)
On vertex Irregular Total Labeling of Convex Polytope Graphs
Utilitas Mathematica, Vol.89, Page: 69-78 (2012)
Volterra Quadratic Stochastic Operators: Lyapunov Functions, Trajectories
U. A. Rozikov & A. Zada
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol.6, No.2, Page: 329-335 (2012)
Gradoemt Flows With Jumps Associated with Nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with
S. Parveen & C. Varsan
Mathematical Reports, Vol.13, No.3 (2012)
Almost Schreier Monoids
T. Dumitrescu & W. Khalid
Algebra Univers. Vol.67, No.1, Page: 19-28 (2012)
Opial Type Integral Inequalities for Fractional Derivatives
G. Farid, & J. Pecaric
Fractional Differential Calculus, Vol.2, No.1, Page: 31-54 (2012)
Fundamental Group of Desargues Configuration Spaces
B. Berceanu & S. Parveen
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, Vol.49, No.3 (2012)
Further Results on Convex Functions and Separable Sequences with Applications
M.A. Khan, M. Niezgoda & J. Pecaric
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, (2012)
Riesz Potentials for Non-Increasing Functions
A.Meskhi & G. Murtaza
Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, (2012)
Super-Edge-Magic Deficieney of Volvox and Dumbbell Graphs
H.U.Afzal, A.Q.Baig & M.Imran
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, (2012)
An Infinite Calss of Convex Polytopes with Constant Metric Dimension
M.Imran & A.Q.Baig
Journal Combinatorial Mathematics & Combinatorial Computing, Vol.81, Page: 135-143
Sensitivity Analysis of Classical and Conditional Bayesian Problems of Many Hypotheses Testing
K.J.Kachiashvili, M.A.Hashmi &A. Mueed
Communications in Statistics, Vol.41, No.4, Page: 591-605 (2012)
The Statistical Risk Analysis as the Basis of the Sustainable Development
K. J. Kachiashvili, M. A. Hashmi &A. Mueed
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol.9, No.3 (2012)
On Super Edge Magic Deficiency of Kite Graphs
ARS Combinatoria, Vol.107, Page: 201-208 (2012)
On Jensen’s Inequality Involving Averages of Convex Functions
J. Jaksetic, J. Pecaric & G. Roqia
SARAJEVO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Vol.8, No.20, Page: 53-68 (2012)
On The Factorial Closure of Certain Monomial Modules
M. Imtiaz & P. Schenzel
Communications in Algebra, Vol.40, No.8 (2012)
Attractprs, Approximations and Fixed sets of Evolution Systems
Q.Din & T. Donchev
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.74, No.2, Page: 183-197
Higher Order Runge-Runge-Kutta Methods for Impulsive Differential Systems
R. Baier, Q. Din & T. Donchev
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.218, No.4, Page: 11790-11798 (2012)
Fuzzy Delay Differential Equations
U. Abbas & V. Lupulescu
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, Vol.11, No.1, Page: 99-111 (2012)
Ideals Generated by 2-Minors, Collections of Cells and Stack Polyominoe
A. Qureshi
Journal of Algebra, Vol.357, No.1, Page: 279-303 (2012)
A Note on the Unsteady Flow of a Fractional Maxwell Fluid through a Circular Cylinder
M. Athar, A.U. Awan & C. Fetecau
Zeitschriftenartikel aus Acta Mechanica Sinica, (2012)
On the Unsteady Rotational Flow of a Fractional Second Grade Fluid through a Circular
M. Athar, M. Kamran & M.Imran
Zeitschriftenartikel aus Meccanica, Vol.47, No.3, Page: 603-611 (2012)
On The Unsteady Rotational Flow of Fractional Oldroyd-B Fluid in Cylindrical Domains
M. Kamran, M. Imran, M. Athar & M.A. Imran
Meccanica, Vol.47, No.3, Page: 573-584 (2012)
Critical Study on Rotational Flow of a Fractional Oldroyd-B Fluid Induced By a Circular
M. Kamran, M. Athar & M. Imran
ISRN Mathematical Physics, (2012)
Exact Solutions for The Axial Couette Flow of a Fractional Maxwell Fluid in An Annulus
M. Imran, A.U. Awan, M. Athar & M. Kamran
ISRN Mathematical Physics, (2012)
Embeddings of Muntz Spaces: Composition Operators
S. W. Noor
Integral Equations and Operator Theory, Vol.73, No.4, Page: 589-602 (2012)
Improvement of An Inequality of G. H. Hardy Via Superquadratic Functions
S. Iqbal, K. Krulic & J. Pecaric
Panamerican Mathematical Journal, (2012)
Improvement of An Inequality of G.H. Hardy
S. Iqbal, K. Krulic & J. Pecaric
Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, Vol.43, No.3 (2012)
A New Class of Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities
S. Iqbal, K. K. Himmelreich & J. Pecaric
Mathematica Balkanica, (2012)
A Schreier Domain Type Condition
Z. Ahmad, T. Dumitrescu & M. Epure
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, Vol.55 (103), No. 3, Page: 241–247 (2012)
Total Labelings of Toroidal Polyhexes
M. Baca &A. Shabbir
Science International, Vol.24, No.3, Page: 239-241(2012)
Exact Analytic Solutions for the Flow of a Generalized Burger’s Fluid Induced by an
Accelerated Shear Stress
M. Jamil, A.A. Zafar, C. Fetecau & N.A. Khan
Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol.199, No.1, Page: 17-39 (2012)
Some New Exact Analytical Solutions for Helical Flows of Second Grade Fluids
M. Jamil, A.A.Zafar, A. Rauf & N.A. Khan
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol.17, No.1, Page: 141-153 (2012)
Exact Solution for Motion of an Oldroyd-B Fluid over an Infinite Flat Plate that Applies an Oscillating Shear Stress to the Fluid
N. Shahid, M. Rana & I. Siddique
Boundary Value Problems, (2012)
Exact Solution for Oscillating Motion of a Second Grade Fluid Along An Edge with Mixed Boundary Conditions
M.A. Imran, A. Sohail & N. Shaid
Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 199, No.9, Page: 1085-1101 (2012)
On Sapogov’s Extension of Cebysev’s Inequality and Related Results
M. A. Khan, N. Latif, J. Pecaric & I. Peric
Thai Journal of Mathematics, Vol.10, No.3, Page: 617-633 (2012)
Simplicial Complexes with Rigid Depth
Aslam & V. Ene
Archiv der Mathematik, Vol.99, No.4, Page: 315-325 (2012)
Dichotomy of Poincare Mape and Boundedness of Some Cauchy Sequences
Zada, S. Arshad, G. Rahmat & R. Amin
Applied Mathematics E-Notes, Vol.12, Page: 14-22 (2012)
Further Refinement of Results About Mixed Symmetric Means and Cauchy Means
L. Horvath, K. A. Khan & J. pecaric
Advances in Inequalities and Applications, Vol.1, No.1 (2012)
On Parameter Dependent Refinement of Discrete Jensen’s Inequality for Operator Conve
L. Horvath, K. A. Khan &J. Pecaric
Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, Vol.2, No.3, Page: 656-672 (2012)
Representation Theory for the Kriz Model
S. Ashraf, H. Azam & B. Berceanu
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, Vol.14, No.1 (2012)
Critically Paintable, Choosable or Colorable Graphs
Riasat &O. Schauz
Discrete Mathematics, Vol.312, No.22, Page: 3373-3383 (2012)
Exponential Convexity for Majorization
R. Khan, N. Latif & J. Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2012)
Fuzzy Fractional Integral Equations Under Compactness Type Condition
R. P. Agarwal, S. Arshad, D.O’Regan & V. Lupulescu
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol.15, No.4, Page: 572-590 (2012)
On Exact Solution for Flow of a Fractional Oldroyd-B Fluid Between Two Side Walls
Perpendicular to a Plate
A. Zafar, A. Rauf & D. Vieru
Tomul, Vol. 58(62), No.2, Page: 17-29 (2012)
Weak Rolewicz’s Theorem in Hilbert Spaces
C. Buse & G. Rahmat
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 21, No.8, Page: 1-10 (2012)
About The Computation of the Signature of Surface Singularities
M. A. Binyamin, G. Pfister & S. Stedel
Cent. Eur. J. Math, Vol.10, No.1, Page: 271-276 (2012)
Improvement of an Inequality of GH Hardy
Sajid, K. Krulić & J. Pečarić
Tamkang journal of mathematics, Vol.43, No.3, Page:399-416, (2012)
Connections Between Exponential Stability And Boundedness Of Solutions Of A Couple Of Differential Time Depending And Periodic Systems
S. Arshad
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential
Equations, Page:1- 16 (2012)
Dichotomy of Poincare Map and Boundedness of Some Cauchy Sequences
Zada, S. Arshad, G. Rahmat & R. Amin
Applied Mathematics E-Notes, Vol.12, Page: 14-22 (2012)
A New Form of Exact Equations in Quantum Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Particles
S. Kondratyev & N. Shahid
Russian Library of Academy Science, Vol.11 (2012)
Exact Solution for Motion of an Oldroyd-B Fluid over an Infinite Flat Plate that Applies an Oscillating Shear Stress to the Fluid
N. Shahid, M. Rana & I. Siddique
Boundary Value Problems, (2012)
Flow of a Fractional Oldroyd-B Fluid Over a Plane Wall that Applies a Time-Dependent Shear to the Fluid
C. Fetecau, N. Shahid & M. Khan
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceeding, Vol.1450, No.1 (2012)
Exact Solution for Oscillating Motion of a Second Grade Fluid Along an Edge With Mixed Boundary Conditions
M. A. Imran, A. Sohail & N. Shahid
Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol.199, No.9, Page: 1085-1101 (2012)
Some Couette Flows of a Viscous Fluid due to Tangential Stress
N. Shahid, D. Vieru & A. Sohail
Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iasi, Romania, (2012)
Flow of an Oldryd-B Fluid Subject to Time-Dependent Shear Stress
N. Shahid, M. Rana & M. A. Imran
Journal of Research in Mathematics, (2012)
Axial-Couette Flow of an Oldroyd-B Fluid in an Annulus due to a Time-Dependent Shear Stress
C. Fetecau, A. U. Awan & N. Shahid
Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iasi, Romania, (2012)
Exact Solutions of the Unsteady Flow of a Fractional Maxwell Fluid with Non-Linear Velocity on the Boundary of a Circular Cylinder
A. Awan, M. Imran, M. Athar& N. Shahid
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, (2012)
On Super-Edge Magicness And Deficiencies Of Forests Of Some Families Of Graphs
S. Kanwal, S. Javed &A. Riasat
Utilitas Matematica, (2012)
Ordering Connected Graphs Having Small Degree Distances. II
S. Kanwal &I. Tomescu
Match Commun. Math. Comput. Chem, Vol.67, No.2 (2012)
On Super Edge-Magicness and Deficiencies of Forests of Some Graph Families
S. Kanwal, S. Javed &A. Riasat
Utilitas Mathematica, (2012)
Subring Subgroups in Chevalley Groups with Doubly Laced Root Systems
Journal of Algebra, Vol.362, Page: 12–29 (2012)
On Parameter Dependent Refinement Of Discrete Jensen’s Inequality For Operator Convex Functions
A. Khan
Journal of Mathematical & Computational Science, (2012)
Further Refinement of Results about Mixed Symmetric Means and Cauchy MEANS
A. Khan
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, (2012)
Hardy-Type Inequalities for Monotone Convex Functions with Some Applications
S. Iqbal, K. K. Himmelreich & J. Pecaric
Fractional Dierential Calculus, (2012)
Bounds for Hardy Type Differences II
S. Iqbal, K. K. Himmelreich & J. Pecaric
Acta Mathematica Sinica English Series, (2012)
Uniform Exponential Stability for Discrete Non-Autonomous Systems via Discrete
Evolution Semigroups
C. Buse, A. Khan, G. Rahmat & A. Tabassum
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, (2012)
Some More Remarks on Grothendieck-Lidski I Trace Formulas
O. Reinov
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics,Vol. 8, Page: 05-11(2012)
Stability Estimate for the Multidimensional Elliptic Obstacle Problem with Respect to the
Obstacle Function
N. Ahmad& M. Shashiashvili
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics,Vol. 8, Page: 12-21(2012)
The Banach-Saks Index of Intersection
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 8, Page: 22-27(2012)
Boyd Indices for Quasi-Normed Rearrangement Invariant Spaces
G. E. Karadzhov
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 8, Page: 36-44(2012)
Total Edge Irregularity Strength of Strong Product of Two Paths
Ahmad, M. Baca, Y. Bashir &M.K. Siddiqui
ARS Combinatoria, Vol. 106, Page: 449-459 (2012)
Opial type integral inequalities for fractional derivatives II
G.Farid, J.Pecaric
Fract. Di_er. Calc, Vol. 2, No.2, Page: 139-155 (2012)
Optimal embeddings of the generalized Riesz potential spaces into generalized Holder-Zygmund spaces
Karadzhov, Georgi E & Mehmood, Qaisar
C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci, Vol. 65, No.11, Page: 1471-1478 (2012)
Stanley depth of edge ideals
M.Ishaq &M.I.Qureshi
Studia Sci. Math. Hungar, Vol. 49, No.2, Page: 501-508 (2012)
On the refinements of Jensen-Mercer’s inequality
M.A.Khan, A.R.Khan & , J.Pecaric
Rev. Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx, Vol. 41, No.1, Page: 62-81 (2012)
On the behaviour of Stanley depth under variable adjunction
Cipu, Mihai& M.I.Qureshi
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.), Vol. 55(103), No. 2, Page: 129-146 (2012)
Optimal embeddings of Calder_on spaces in the super-critical case
Z.Bashir, F. Cobos & G.E. Karadzhov
C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci, Vol. 65, No. 7, Page: 881-890 (2012)
Refinements of Holder and Minkowski inequalities with weights
Horvath, L., K.A. Khan &Pecaric, J.
Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst, Vol.158, Page: 33-56 (2012)
Refinement of integral inequalities for monotone functions
S.I.Butt, J.Pecaric & I.Paric
J. Inequal. Appl. 2012, Vol.301, Page: 11 (2012)
On the refinements of the Hermite-Hadamard inequality
S.Khalid & J.Pecaric
J. Inequal. Appl. 2012, Vol.155, Page: 14 (2012)
On the total edge irregularity strength of zigzag graphs
A.Ahmed, M.K.Siddiqui & D.Afzal
Australas. J. Combin, Vol. 54, Page: 141-149 (2012)
Improvement of Jensen’s inequality in terms of G^ateaux derivatives for convex functions in linear spaces with applications
M.A.Khan, S.Khalid & J.Pecaric
Kyungpook Math. J, Vol. 52, No.4, Page: 495-511 (2012)
Subsolutions that are close in the uniform norm are close in the Sobolev norm as well
M.S.Saleem & M.Shashiashvili
Appl. Math. Optim. Vol.66, No. 1, 1-25 (2012)
Computation of the multivariate normal integral over a complex subspace
Kachiashvili, Kartlos Joseph & Hashmi, Muntazim Abbas
Appl. Math. (Irvine), Vol. 3, No.5 Page: 489-498 (2012)
Superadditivity, monotonicity, and exponential convexity of the Petrovi_c-type functional
S.I.Butt,Krnic, Mario & J. Pecaric
Abstr. Appl. Anal, (2012)
Classification of compact homogeneous spaces with invariant G2-structures
Le, Hong Van & Munir, Mobeen
Adv. Geom. Vol.12, No. 2, 302-328 (2012)
Braid groups in complex projective spaces
Berceanu, Barbu &Parveen, Saima
Adv. Geom, Vol.12, No.2, Page: 269-286 (2016)
Starting solutions for the motion of a generalized Burgers’ uid between coaxial cylinders
M.Jamil & C. Fetecau
Bound. Value Probl., Vol.14, Page: 15 (2012)
Upper bounds for the Stanley depth
Comm. Algebra, Vol. 40, No.1, Page: 87-97 (2012)
Potential operators on cones of nonincreasing functions
A.Meskhi & G. Murtaza
J. Funct. Spaces Appl, Page: 26 (2012)
Linearized Feedforward Control of Two-Level Quantum System by Modulated External Field
S. Borisenok&Saifullah
Optics Communications, Vol.284, No.14, Page: 3562-3567 (2011)
On Log-Convexity for Differences of Mixed Symmetric Means
M. Anwar & J.Pecaric
Mathematical Notes,Vol. 88, No. 5,Page: 776-784 (2011)
Topology of Plane Curves and Discriminants
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie,Vol. 54(102), No. 3, Page: 281–293 (2011)
Face Antimagic Labelings of Antiprisms
M. Baca, F. Bashir &A.Semanicova
UtilitasMathematica, Vol. 84, Page: 209-224 (2011)
On Face Antimagic Labelings of Disjoint Union of Prisms
G. Ali, M. Baca & F. Bashir
UtilitasMathematica, Vol. 85, Page: 97-112 (2011)
On Vertex-Magic Total Labeling of Some Families of Graphs
Ahmad & I.Tomescu
UtilitasMathematica, (2011)
Reiteration Theorems for the K –interpolation Method in Limiting Cases
Ahmed, D.E.Edmunds, W.D.Evans & G.E.Karadzhov,
MathematischeNachrichten, Vol. 284, No.4, Page: 421-442 (2011)
Hilbert Series of Positive Braids
Z. Iqbal
Algebra Colloquium, Vol. 18, No. 2, Page: 1007-1016 (2011)
Algorithms for Primary Decomposition of Modules
StudiaScientiarumMathematicarumHungarica, Vol. 48, No.2 (2011)
Subalgebra Analogue to Standard Basis for Ideal
A. Khan
StudiaScientiarumMathematicarumHungarica,Vol. 48, No.4 (2011)
A Class of Pinched Domains II
T.Dumitrescu & S.U. Rahman
Communications in Algebra, Vol.39, Page: 1394-1403 (2011)
Optimal Embeddings of Generalized Homogeneous Sobolev Spaces
Ahmad & G.E Karadzhov
Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol.123, Page: 1-20 (2011)
Axial Couette Flow of a Generalized Second Grade Fluid due to a Longitudinal
Time-Dependent Shear Stress
M.Kamran, C. Fetecau&M.Athar
BuletinulInstitutuluiPolitechnic Din Iasi, Sectia: Matematica, MecanicaTeoretica,
Fizica, Vol.57 (61), No. 1, Page: 149-157 (2011)
On the Super Edge-Magic Deficiency of Forests
Q. Baig, A. Ahmad, E.T.Baskoro & R. Simanjuntuk
UtilitasMathematica, Vol. 86, Page: 147-160 (2011)
Unsteady Helical Flows of Oldroyd-B Fluids
M. Jamil, C Fetecau& M. Imran
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,
Vol. 16, No. 3, Page: 1378-1386 (2011)
Flow of Fractional Maxwell Fluid Between Coaxial Cylinders
M. Jamil, C Fetecau, C.Fetecau & A. Mahmood
Archive of Applied Mechanics,Vol. 81, No. 8, Page: 1153-1163 (2011)
Unsteady Helical Flows of Maxwell Fluids via Prescribed Shear Stresses
M. Jamil, C. Fetecau & A.U. Awan
Bul. Inst. Polit. Iasi, (2011)
On a Class of Separable Quadratic Stochastic Operators
U.A. Rozikov & A. Zada
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 32, No. 4,Page: 385-394 (2011)
The Reisz Potential Operators in Optimal Couples of Rearrangement Invariant
C. Capone, A. Fiorenza, G.E. Karadzhov & W.Nazeer
Journal of analysis and its applications, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2011)
Stanley Decompositions in Localized Polynomials Rings
S. Nasir & A.Rauf
ManuscriptaMathematica,Vol. 135, No. 1,Page: 151-164 (2011)
On Majorization, Favard And Berwald Inequalities
N.Latif, J. Pecaric & I. Peric
Annals of Functional Analysis, Vol. 2, No.1, Page: 31-50 (2011)
On a Refinement of the Majorisation Type Inequality
M. A. Khan, M.Niezgoda & J.Pecaric,
DemonstratioMathematica, Vol. 44, No.1, Page: 49-57 (2011)
Parallelization of Modular Algorithms
N. Idrees, G.Pfister & S.Steidel
Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 46, No. 6, Page: 672-684 (2011)
Further Results on Super Edge Magic Deficiency of Unicycle Graphs
Ahmad, Javaid& M.F. Nadeem
ARS Combinatoria, (2011)
Optimal Embeddings of Generalized Besov Spaces
Z. Bashir & G. E. Karadzhov
Eurasian Mathematical Journal, Vol.2, No. 1, Page: 5-31 (2011)
On Exponential Convexity, Jensen-Steffensen-Boas Inequality, And Cauchy’s
Means for Superquadratic Functions
S. Abramovich, G. Farid, & J. Pecaric
Journal of mathematical And Inqualities, Vol. 5, No. 2, Page: 169-180 (2011)
On Slater,s Integrals Inequalitity
M.A. Khan & J. Pecaric
Journal of Mathematical and Inqualities, Vol. 5, No. 2, Page: 231-241 (2011)
Generalization of K-Divergence and Related Means
M.Anwar, G.Farid, & J.Pecaric
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol. 5, No. 2, Page: 181-191 (2011)
Schur-Convexity of Averages of Convex Functions
V.Culjak, I.Franjic, R.Ghulam & K.Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2011)
On Exponential Convexity for Power Sums and Related Results
Pecaric & A. U.Rehman
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol. 5, No. 2, Page: 265-274 (2011)
On Majorization, Favard And Berwald Inequalities
N.Latif, J.Pecaric, & I.Peric
Annals of Functional Analysis, Vol. 2, No. 1, Page: 31-50 (2011)
Fractional Differential Equation with the Fuzzy Initial Condition
S. Arshad & V.Lupulescu
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 34, Page: 1-8 (2011)
On The Fractional Differential Equations with Uncertainty
S. Arshad & V.Lupulescu
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications,
Vol. 74, No. 11, Page: 3685-3693 (2011)
Super Edge-Magic Labeling of Accordion and Bracelet Graphs
A.Q.Baig, M.Imran, H. U.Afzal, M.S.Bahir & R.J. Qureshi
UtilitasMathematica, (2011)
Refinements of Results about Weighted Mixed Symmetric Means and Related
Cauchy Means
Horvath, K. A. Khan & J. Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2011)
More on Cauchy’s Means and Generalization of Hadamard Inequality Via Converses of Jensen’s Inequality and Superquadracity
S. Abramovich, G.Farid, S.Ivelic& J.Pecaric
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,Vol. 69, No. 1, Page: 97-116 (2011)
On Super Edge Magic Deficiency of Some Families Related to Ladder Graphs
Ahmad, M. F.Nadeem, I.Javed& R.Hasni
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, (2011)
Stanley Depth of Edge Ideals
M.Ishaq & M. I. Qureshi
StudiaScientiarumMathematicarumHungarica, Vol. 49, No.4, (2011)
Stanley Depth and Complete k-Partite Hypergraphs
M.Ishaq & M. I. Qureshi
Communications in Algebra, (2011)
Discrete Approximations and Optimization of Evolution Inclusions
Q. Din & T.Donchev
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, Vol.20, No.1, Page: 15-30 (2011)
A Note on the Unsteady Torsional Sinusoidal Flow of Fractional Viscoelastic Fluid
In an Annular Cylinder
Mahmood, N.A.Khan, I. Siddique, A. Zada& A.U. Awan
Journal of King Saud University-Science, Vol. 23, No. 4, Page: 341-347 (2011)
Axial-Couette Flow of an Oldroyd-B Fluid in an Annulus Due To a Time-
Dependent Shear Stress
C.Fetecau, A.U. Awan & M.Rana
Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iasi, Vol.57, No.61, Page: 4, 13-25 (2011)
Taylor-Couette Flow of an Oldroyd-B Fluid in an Annulus Due To a Time-
Dependent Couple
C. Fetecau, M. Imran &C.Fetecau
ZeitschriftfürNaturforschung A, (2011)
On the Unsteady Rotational Flow of a Generalized Maxwell Fluid through a Circular
Cylinder on Unsteady Flow of Generalized Maxwell Fluid
Imran, M. Athar & M. Kamran
Archive of Applied Mechanics, (2011)
Taylor-Couette Flow of a Fractional Second Grade Fluid in an Annulus Due To a
Time-Dependent Couple
Imran, M. Kamran, M. Athar& A.A. Zafar
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Vol. 16, No.1, Page: 47-58 (2011)
Exact Analytical Solutions for Axial Flow of a Fractional Second Grade Fluid
BetweenTwoCoaxial Cylinders
Imran, M. Kamran & M. Athar
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, Vol. 1, No. 2, (2011)
Exact Solutions for Unsteady Axial Couette Flow of a Fractional Maxwell Fluid Due
To an Accelerated Shear
M. Athar, C.Fetecau, M. Kamran, A. Sohail & M. Imran
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control,Vol. 16, No.2,Page: 135-151 (2011)
On the Unsteady Linearly Accelerating Flow of a Fractional Second Grade Fluid
Through a Circular Cylinder
M. Kamran, M. Athar& M. Imran
International Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol. 11, No. 3, Page: 317-324 (2011)
On the Flow of a Generalized Second Grade Fluid Over an Infinite Plate Subject To a
Time-Dependent Shear Stress
S. Ahmad, M. Imran & C.Fetecau
Archive of Applied Mechanics, (2011)
Analytic Solutions For The Unsteady Rotational Flow of An Oldroyd-B Fluid with
Fractional Derivatives Induced By a Quadratic Time-Dependent Shear Stress
M. I. Qureshi, M. Imran, M.Athar & M. Kamran
Journal of Applied & Computational Mathematics, Vol. 10, No.3, Page: 484-497 (2011)
Some Study on the Unsteady Constantly Accelerating Rotational Flow of a Fractional
Oldroyd-B Fluid
M. Imran, M. Athar, M. Kamran & A. U. Awan
Sci. Int.Vol. 23, No.3, Page: 175-182 (2011)
Improvement of an Inequality of G.H. Hardy with Fractional Integrals and Fractional
S. Iqbal, K.Krulic& J.Pecaric
East Journal on Approximations, (2011)
On An Inequality For Convex Functions With Some Applications On Fractional
Derivatives and Fractional Integrals
S. Iqbal, K.Krulic& J.Pecaric
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol. 5, No. 2, Page: 219-230 (2011)
A Schreier Domain Type Condition II
Z. Ahmad, T.Dumitrescu& M.Epure
Bulletin Mathématiques de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie,
Vol. 55, No. 3, (2011)
New Exact Analytical Solutions for stokes First Problem of Maxwell Fluid with
Fractional Derivative Approach
M. Jamil, A. Rauf, A.A.Zafar & N.A. Khan
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 62, No. 3, Page: 1013-1023 (2011)
Translation Flows of an Oldroyd-B Fluid with Fractional Derivatives
M. Jamil, N.A. Khan & A.A. Zafar
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 62, No. 3, Page: 1540-1553 (2011)
Different Forms of the Kadanoff-Baym Equations in Quantum Statistical Mechanics
A.S. Kondratyev, & N.Shahid
Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 37, No.777, (2011)
Flow of a Fractional Oldroyd-B Fluid over a Plane Wall that applies a time-Dependent
Shear to the Fluid
C. Fetecau, N.Shahid& M. Khan
AIP Conference Proceedings, (2011)
Axial-Couette Flow of an Oldroyd-B Fluid In An Annulus Due To A Time-Dependent
Shear Stress
C.Fetecau, A. U. Awan&N.Shahid
Bulletin of the Polytechnic institute of Iasi, Vol. 57(61), No. 4, Page: 13-25 (2011)
Exponential Convexity of Petrovic and Related Functional
S. I. Butt, J. Pecaric, & A. U.Rehman
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2011)
Connections between Exponential Stability and Boundedness of Solutions of A Couples of Differential Time Depending and Periodic Systems
S. Arshad, C.Buse& O.Saierli
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations,Vol. 90, Page: 1-16 (2011)
Optimal Couples of Rearrangement Invariant Spaces for the Bessel Potential
G.E. Karadzhov& W.Nazeer
Comptesrendus de l’AcadémieBulgaredes Sciences: Sciences Mathématiqueset
Naturelles, Vol. 64, No. 6, (2011)
On The Refinements of the Jensen-Steffensen Inequality
Franjic, S. Khali & J.Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2011)
Refinements of The Lower Bounds of The Jensen Functional
I.Franjic, S. Khalid & J.Pecaric
Abstract and Applied Analysis, (2011)
New Exact Solutions for an Oldroyd-B Fluid with Fractional Derivative: Stokes’ First
M. Jamil, N. A. Khan & M. I.Asjad
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, (2011)
Unsteady Motion of Two Kinds of Viscoelastic Fluids over An Infinite Wall Subject to a
Time-Dependent Shear Stress
M. I. Asjad, M.Rana& C.Fetecau
Polit. Iasi, Vol. 57(61), No.1Page: 125-135 (2011)
Connections Between the Stability of a Poincare Map and the Boundedness of Certain
Associate Sequences
S. Arshad, C. Buse, A.Nosheen& A.Zada
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations,
Vol.16, Page: 1-12, (2011)
Generalization of k-divergence and Related Means
M. Anwar, G. Farid & J. Pecaric
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol. 5, No. 2, Page: 181–191 (2011)
Reiteration Theorems for the K-interpolation Method in Limiting Cases
Ahmed, D. E. Edmunds, W. D. Evans & G. E. Karadzhov
Math. Nachr, Vol. 284, No. 4, Page: 421 – 442, (2011)
Cauchy Means for Signed Measures
M. Anwar & J. Pecaric
Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc, Vol. 34, No. 1, Page: 31–38(2011)
On Exponential Convexity, Jensen–Steffensen–Boas Inequality, and Cauchy’s Means for
Superquadratic Functions
S. Abramovich, G. Farid, S. Ivelic& J. Pecaric
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol. 5, No. 2, Page: 169–180 (2011)
On Slater’s Integral Inequality
M. A. Khan & J.Pecaric
Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol. 5, No. 2, Page: 231–241 (2011)
Optimal Embeddings of Generalized Inhomogeneous Sobolev Spacs on R^n
Ahmed & G. E. Karadzhov
Math. Inequalities and Applications, Vol.14, No. 3, Page: 737-745, (2011)
Unsteady Longitudinal Flow of a Generalized Oldroyd-B Fluid in Cylindrical Domains
M. Nazar, Q. Sultan, M. Athar&M. Kamran
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,Vol.16, No. 7, Page: 2737-2744, (2011)
Exact Solutions for Unsteady Axial Couette Flow of a Fractional Maxwell Fluid due to an Accelerated Shear
M.Athar, C.Fetecau, M. Kamran, A.Sohail& M.Imran
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Vol. 16, No. 2, Page: 135–151 (2011)
On the Unsteady Rotational Flow of a Generalized Maxwell Fluid Through a Circular Cylinder
M. Imran, M. Athar & M. Kamran
Archive of Applied Mechanics, (2011)
Taylor–Couette Flow of a Fractional Second Grade Fluid in an Annulus due to a Time-
Dependent Couple
M. Imran, M. Kamran, M. Athar & A.A. Zafar
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Vol. 16, No. 1, Page: 47–58 (2011)
Exact Solutions for the Rotational Flow of a Generalized Maxwell Fluid Between Two Circular Cylinders
W. Akhtar, I. Siddique &A. Sohail
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol.16, No.7, Page: 2788-2795 (2011)
Helical Flows of Second Grade Fluid due to Constantly Accelerated Shear Stresses
M. Jami, A. Rauf, C. Fetecau & N.A. Khan
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol.16, No.4, Page: 1959-1969, (2011)
A Special Class of Convex Polytopes with Constant Metric Dimension
M. Imran & A.Q. Baig
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
Vol. 77, Page: 197-205 (2011)
Face Antimagic Labeling of Antiprisms
M. Baca, F. Bashir & A.Semanicova
UtilitasMathematica, Vil. 84, Page: 209-224 (2011)
On the Length of Commutators in Chevalley Groups
A.Stepanov& N. Vavilov
Israel journal of mathematics, Vol. 185, Page: 253–276 (2011)
Balanced Binary Mappings on Graphs
S. Bau
Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications,
Vol. 62, Page: 15-24, (2011)
Investigation and Computation of Unconditional and Conditional Bayesian Problems of
K.J. Kachiashvili
ARPN Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 1, No.2, Page: 47-59, (2011)
On Peano Theorem for Fuzzy Differential Equations
A.D.R. Choudary & T. Donchev
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 177, No.1, Page: 93-94, (2011)
Values and Bounds for the Stanley Depth
M. Ishaq
Carpathian J. Math, Vol.27, No.2, Page: 217-224 (2011)
The Domination Cover Pebbling Number of the Square of a Path
Lourdusamy& T. Mathivanan
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 7, Page: 01-08 (2011)
Outputs in Random f-ary Recursive Circuits
M.Javanian, Q. Mohammad &A. Vahidi
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 7, Page: 09-18 (2011)
On Existence of Canonical Number System in Certain Classes of Pure Algebraic Number
Hameed, T. Nakahara, S. M. Husnine&S. Ahmad
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 7, Page: 19-24 (2011)
A Common Unique Random Fixed Point Theorems in S-Metric Spaces
S.Sedghi& N.Shobe
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 7, Page: 25-34 (2011)
Shape Preserving Constrained Data Visualization Using Rational Functions
T. S. Shaikh, M.Sarfraz& M.Z.Hussain
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 7, Page: 35-51 (2011)
Flow of an Oldroyd-B Fluid over an Infinite Plate Subject to a Time-Dependent Shear
Shahid, M.Rana& M. A. Imran
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 7, Page: 52-62, (2011)
Common Fixed Points by One Step Iterative Scheme with Error for Asymptotically Quasi-
Nonexpansive Type Nonself Mappings
K. Jhade& A. S. Saluja
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 7, Page: 63-70 (2011)
Fractional Differential Equation with Fuzzy Initial Condition
S. Arshad, V. Lupulescu,
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol.34. Page: 1-8(2011)
Additive integral functions in valued fields
Groza, Ghiocel & Khan, S. M. Ali
Rom. J. Math. Comput. Sci, Vol. 1, No. 1, Page: 1-6 (2011)
Interpolation of entire functions
Groza, Ghiocel, Haider, Azeem & Khan, Sardar Mohib Ali
Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana, Vol. (3) 17, No. 2, Page: 127-133 (2011)
Optimal couples of rearrangement invariant spaces for the fractional maximal operator
I.Ahmed, G. Karadzhov &W.Nazeer
C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci, Vol. 64, No. 9, Page: 1233-1240 (2011)
Flow of an Oldroyd-B uid over an in_nite plate subject to a time-dependent shear stress
N.Shahid,M.Rana &M.A,Imran
Prime Res. Math, Vol. 7, Page: 52-62 (2011)
On a refinement of Hardy’s inequalities via superquadratic and subquadratic functions
G.Farid, K. Krulic & J.Pecaric
Sarajevo J. Math, Vol. 7(20), No. 2, Page: 163-175 (2011)
Gradient flows with jumps associated with nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi equations with jumps
S.Parveen & C. Varsan
Math. Rep. (Bucur.), Vol. 13(63), No. 3, Page: 285-298 (2011)
A method to generate large classes of edge-antimagic trees
M.Baca, S.F.Andrea, M.K.Shafiq
Util. Math, Vol.86, Page: 33-43 (2011)
Slip effects on fractional viscoelastic fluids
M.Jamil & N.A.Khan
Int. J. Differ. Equ, Page: 19 (2011)
Controllability and observability for a class of time-varying impulsive systems on time scales
V. Lupulescu & A.Younus
Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ, No. 95, Page: 30 (2011)
Canonical forms and infimum of positive braids
U.Ali, Z.Iqbal & S.Nazir
Algebra Colloq, Vol. 18, Special Issue no. 1, Page: 1007-1016 (2011)
Solutions of the force-free Duffing-van der Pol oscillator equation
N.A.Khan, M.Jamil,S.A. Anwar & N.A.Khan
Int. J. Differ. Equ, (2011)
Approximations of the nonlinear Volterra’s population model by an efficient numerical method
N.A.Khan, A.Ara & M.Jamil
Math. Methods Appl. Sci, Vol. 34, No. 14, Page: 1733-1738 (2011)
On Stokes’ problems for fluids of Brinkman type
C.Fetecau, C. Fetecau & M.A.Imran
Math. Rep. (Bucur.), Vol. 13(63), No. 1, Page: 15-26 (2011)
Integral inequalities on time scales via the theory of isotonic linear functional
M.Anwar, R.Bibi, M.Bohner & J.Pecaric
Abstr. Appl. Anal, (2011)
Multiple-parameter Hamiltonian approach for higher accurate approximations of a nonlinear oscillator with discontinuity
N.A.Khan, M.Jamil & A.Ara
Int. J. Differ. Equ. (2011)
Note on an inequality of Gauss
J.Pecaric & K. Smoljak
Math. Inequal, Vol. 5, No. 2, Page: 199-211 (2011)
Set functional differential equations
U.Abbas & V. Lupulescu
Comm. Appl. Nonlinear Anal, Vol.18, No. 1, Page: 97-110 (2011)
Periodic Schur process, cylindric partitions and N = 2_ theory
Iqbal, Amer, Kozcaz, Can & Sohail, Tanweer
Nuclear Phys. B, Vol. 844, No. 2, Page: 334-347 (2011)
First order representations of Fliess models
V. Lomadze & M.K.Zafar
Linear Algebra Appl, Vol. 434, No. 4, Page: 1027-1057 (2011)
Generic properties of multifunctions: application to differential inclusions
T. Donchev
Nonlinear Anal, Vol.74, No. 7, Page: 2585-2590 (2011)
Connections between the stability of a Poincare map and boundedness of certain associate sequences
Arshad, Sadia, Buse, Constantin, Nosheen, Ammara & Zada, Akbar
Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ, No. 16, Page: 12 (2011)
Stanley decompositions in localized polynomial rings
S.Nazir, A.Rauf
Manuscripta Math, Vol. 135, No. 1-2, Page: 151-164 (2011)
An algorithm for primary decomposition in polynomial rings over the integers
Pfister, Gerhard, Sadiq, Afshan & Steidel, Stefan
Cent. Eur. J. Math, Vol. 9, No. 4, Page: 897-904 (2011)
On the metric dimension of two classes of convex polytopes
M.Imran, Bokhary, Syed Ahtsham Ul Haq & A.Ahmad
Combin. Math. Combin. Comput, Vol. 77, Page: 51-63 (2011)
Smooth/impulsive linear systems: controllability
V.Lomadze & H.Mahmood
Internat. J. Control, Vol. 84, No. 4, Page: 679-692 (2011)
Metric dimension and R-sets of connected graphs
I.Tomesco & M.Imran
Graphs Combin, Vol. 27, No. 4, Page: 585-591 (2011)
On the Energetic Balance for the Flow of an Oldroyd-B Fluid Induced by a Constantly
Accelerating Plate
C.Fetecau, C. Fetecau, A. Mahmood& E. Axinte
ZeitschriftfürangewandteMathematik und Physik, Vol.61, No.4, Page: 1085-1095 (2010)
New Exact Solutions Corresponding to the Second Problem of Stokes for Second Grade
M. Nazar, D. Vieru, Corina Fetecau& C. Fetecau
Nonlinear Analysis Real World Applications, Vol.11, No.1, Page: 584-591(2010)
Cohomology of Configuration Spaces of cpm
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol.60, No.2, Page: 411-422 (2010)
Weight Characterization of the Trace Inequality for the Generalized Riemann-Liouvile
Transform in l p (x) spaces
U. Ashraf, V. Kokilashvili, & A. Meskhi
Mathematical Inequalities and Application, Vol. 13, No.1, Page: 63-81 (2010)
Discrete Time Hedging of the American Option
S. Hussain& M. Shashiashvili
International journal of Mathmaticas, statistics & Financial Economics, Vol.20, No.4,
Page: 647-670 (2010)
On Stolarsky and Related Means
J. Jaksetic, J. Pecaric&A. U.Rehman
Mathematical Inequalities and Application, Vol.13, No.4, Page: 899-909 (2010)
On Super Edge-Magic Total Labelings of a Forest of Banana Trees
Ahmad, K. Ali & E. T. Baskoro
UtilitasMathematica, (2010)
Series-Parallel Chromatic Hypergraphs
Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.158, No.3, Page: 198-203 (2010)
Depth and Stanley Depth of Multigraded Modules
Communications in Algebra, Vol.38, Page: 773-784(2010)
Almost-Schrier Domains
T. Dumitrescu & W. Khalid
Communications in Algebra, Vol.38, Page: 2981-2991 (2010)
Computing the Stanley Depth
D.Popescu & M. I. Qureshi
Journal of Algebra, Vol.323, No.10, Page: 2943-2959 (2010)
Standard Bases Over Rings
International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Vol.20, No.7 (2010)
Cohen-Macaulay Monomial Ideals with Given Radical
S. Ahmad & M.Naeem
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Vol. 214, No.10, Page: 1812-1817 (2010)
A Procedure to Compute Prime Filtration
Central European Journal of Mathematics, Vol.8, No.1, Page: 26-31(2010)
Positive Semi-Definite Matrices, Exponential Convexity for Multiplicative Majorization
And Related Means of cauchy’s Type
N.Latif& J. Pecaric
Journal of Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory, Vol.39, No.1, Page: 50-68
One and Two Weight Estimates for One-Sided Operators in lp(.) Spaces
V. Kokilashvili, A. Meskhi& M. Sarwar
Eurasian Mathematical Journal, Vol.1, (2010)
Exact Solutions for the Flow of a Generalized Second Grade Fluid in an Annular Pipe
M.Kamran, M. Athar& Q.Rubbab
BuletinulInstitutuluiPolitehnic din Iaşi. Secţia I. Matematică, MecanicăTeoretică,
Fizică, Vol.56 (60), No.3, Page: 91-101 (2010)
Taylor-Couette Flow of a Generalized Second Grade Fluid due to a Constant Couple
M. Athar, M. Kamran & C. Fetecau
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Vol.15, No.1, Page: 3-13 (2010)
Exact Solutions for the Flow of Generalized Oldroyd-B Fluid Induced By a Suddenly
Moved Plate between Two Side Walls Perpendicular to the Plate
C. Fetecau, M. Kamran, C.Fetecau & D. Vieru
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Vol.11, No.1, Page: 3-10 (2010)
On Dynamic of l-Volterra Quadratic Stochastic Operators
U.A Rozikov& A. Zada
International Journal of Biomathematics, Vol. 2, No.2 (2010)
Linear Impulsive Dynamic Systems on Time Scales
V.Lupulescu & A.Zada
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, Vol.11, Page: 1-30
Braid Groups in Complex Projective Spaces
B.Berceanu& S.Parveen
Advances in Geometry, Vol.12, Page: 269-286 (2010)
Exact Solutions for the Flow of a Viscoelastic Fluid Induced by a Circular Cylinder
Subject to a Time Dependent Shear Stress
C.Fetecau, A. Mahmood & M. Jamil
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,
Vol.15, No.12, Page: 3921-3938 (2010)
A Class of Exact Solutions to Navier-Stokes Equations for the Given Vorticity
M. Jamil
International Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.3, No.3, Page: 296-304 (2010)
Some Exact Solutions of the Oscillatory Motion of a Generalized Second Grade Fluid
In an Annular Region of Two Cylinders
Mahmood, C. Fetecau, N.A. Khan & M. Jamil
Acta MechanicaSinica, Vol. 26, No.4, Page: 541-550 (2010)
Upper Bounds for the Stanley Depth
Communications in Algebra, Vol. 40, No.1 (2010)
On Refinements of Aczel, Popoviciu and Bellman’s Inequalities
G. Farid, J. Pecaric & A. U. Rehman
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2010)
Fibonacci Numbers and Positive Braids
R. Ashraf, B.Berceanu & A.Riasat
ARS Combinatoria, (2010)
Banach Spaces without Approximation of Type P
O.Reinov & Q.Latif
Mathematical Notes, (2010)
The f4 Algorithm for Euclidean Rings
Central European Journal of Mathematics, Vol.8, No.6, Page: 1156-1159 (2010)
What could be a Simple Permutation?
R. Ashraf, B.Berceanu& A.Riasat
ARS Combinatoria, (2010)
On the Behaviour of Stanley Depth Under Variable Adjunction
M.Cipu & M. I. Qureshi
Bulletin Mathématiques de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie,
Vol.55 (103), No.2, Page: 129-146 (2010)
Improvement and Reversion of Slater’s Inequality and Related Results
M. Adil Khan & J. Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2010)
More About Hermite-HadamardInequalities, Cauchy’ Mean and Superquadracity
S. Abramovich, G. Farid& J. Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2010)
Values and Bounds of the Stanley Depth
Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, Vol.27, No.2 (2010)
Generalization of Stolarsky Type Means
J. Pecaric& G. Rooqia
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2010)
Exponential Convexity, Positive Semi-Definite Matrices and Fundamental
M.Anwar, J.Jaksetic, J.Pecaric&A. U.Rehman
Journal of Mathematical & Inequality, Vol.4, No.2, Page: 171-189 (2010)
About Using Sequential Analysis Approach for Testing Many Hypotheses
K. J.Kachiashvili& M. A. Hashmi
Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Vol.4, No.2 (2010)
Differences of Weighted Mixed Symmetric Means and Related Results
K. A. Khan, J. Pecaric& I. Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2010)
A Note on the Unsteady Flow of a Generalized Second Grade Fluid Through a
Circular Cylinder Subject to a Time Dependent Shear Stress
M. Nazar, C. Fetecau&A.U.Awan
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol.11, No.4, Page: 2207-2214 (2010)
Axial Couette Flow of a Generalized Oldroyd-B Fluid due to a Longitudinal Time-
Dependent Shear Stress
Q.Rubbab, C.Fetecau& A.U. Awan
Quaestiones Mathematicae, Vol.33, Page: 429-441 (2010)
A Note on “Taylor-Couete Flow of a Generalized Second Grade Fluid due to a
Constant Couple”
C. Fetecau, A.U. Awan & M. Athar
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and control, Vol. 15, No.2, Page: 155-158 (2010)
Exact Solutions for the Flow of a Generalized Second Grade Fluid due to a
Longitudinal Quadratic Time-Dependent Shear Stress
M. Athar, C. Fetecau, C. Fetecau & A.U. Awan
Int. J. Industrial Mathematics, Vol.2, No.3, Page: 153-165 (2010)
Exact Solutions for the Poiseuille Flow of a Generalized Maxwell Fluid Induced by
Time Dependent Shear Stress
W. Akhtar, C.Fetecau& A.U. Awan
ANZIAM J. Vol.51, Page: 416-429 (2010)
Helical Flow of an Oldroyd-B Fluid due to a Circular Cylinder Subject to Time-
Dependent Shear Stresses
C. Fetecau, M. Imran, C.Fetecau& I. Burdujan
ZeitschriftfürAngewandteMathematik und Physik, Vol. 61, No.5, Page: 559-569 (2010)
Exact Solutions for the Unsteady Rotational Flow of a Generalized Second Grade
Fluid through a Circular Cylinder
M. Kamran, M. Imran & M. Athar
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Vol.15, No.4, Page: 437-444 (2010)
On the Unsteady Flow of a Generalized Second Grade Fluid through a Circular
M. Kamran, C. Fetecau, M. Imran & M Athar
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, (2010)
On an Inequality of H.G. Hardy
S. Iqbal, K.Krulic& J.Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2010)
Generalization of an Inequality for Integral Transforms with Kernel and Related
S. Iqbal, J. Pecaric& Y. Zhou
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2010)
Unsteady Flow of a Generalized Oldroyd-B Fluid in an Oscillating Duct of Rectangular
Cross- Section
D.Vieru, C.Fetecau & M. I.Asjad
Bul. Inst. Polit. Iasi, Vol. 56(60), No. 4 (2010)
Some Exact Solutions for the Flow of a Newtonian Fluid with Heat Transfer Via Prescribed Vorticity
M. Jamil, N. A. Khan, A. Mahmood, G. Murtaza& Q. Din
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 6, Page: 38-55 (2010)
On Refinements of Aczél, Popoviciu, Bellman’s Inequalities and Related Results
G. Farid, J. Pečarić & A. U. Rehman
J. Inequal. Appl, (2010)
Broughton polynomials and characteristic varieties
Studia Sci. Math. Hungar, Vol. 47, No. 2, Page: 214-222 (2010)
Axial Couette ow of second grade uid due to a longitudinal time dependent shear stress
M.Nazar, M.Athar & W.Akhtar
Tenth International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Applied Mathematics and Statistics,
Monogr. Mat. Garcia Galdeano, 35, Prensas Univ. Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Page: 213-219 (2010)
On the helical flow of Newtonian fluids induced by time dependent shear
W.Akhtar & M.Nazar
Tenth International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Applied Mathematics and Statistics,
Monogr. Mat. Garcia Galdeano, 35, Prensas Univ. Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Page: 27-32 (2010)
Poincare series of Milnor algebras and free arrangements
Studia Sci. Math. Hungar, Vol. 47, No. 4, Page: 513-521 (2010)
Bounds for Hardy differences
S.Hussain & J. Pecaric
ANZIAM J, Vol. 52, No. 2, Page: 218-224 (2010)
The weighted reverse Poincare inequality for the difference of two weak subsolutions
Bull. Georgian Natl. Acad. Sci. (N.S.), Vol. 4, No. 3, Page: 24-28 (2010)
Relative completeness and specifiedness properties of continuous linear dynamical systems
V. Lomadze
Systems Control Lett, Vol.59, No. 11, Page: 695-703 (2010)
Potential operators in variable exponent Lebesgue spaces: two-weight estimates
V. Kokilashvili, A. Meskhi & M. Sarwar
J. Inequal. Appl, (2010)
Conjugacy classes of the 3-braid group
Algebra Colloq, Vol.17, Special Issue no. 1, Page: 829-840 (2010)
Smooth/impulsive linear systems: axiomatic description
V. Lomadze & H. Mahmood
Linear Algebra Appl, Vol. 433, No. 11-12, 1997-2009 (2010)
On families of convex polytopes with constant metric dimension
M.Imran, Bokhary, Syed Ahtsham Ul Haq & A.Q. Baig
Comput. Math. Appl, Vol. 60, No. 9, Page: 2629-2638 (2010)
Linear systems, and ARMA- and Fliess model
V. Lomadze & M.K.Zafar
Internat. J. Control, Vol. 83, No. 10, Page: 2165-2180 (2010)
Helical flows of Maxwell fluid between coaxial cylinders with given shear stresses on the boundary
M.Jamil & C. Fetecau
Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl, Vol.11, No. 5, Page: 4302-4311 (2010)
Optimal embeddings of generalized Besov spaces
Z.Bashir & G.E. Karadzhov
C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci, Vol. 63, No. 6, Page: 799-806 (2010)
A Galois theory for the field extension K((X))=
Popescu, A. Naseem & N. Popescu
Glasg. Math. J, Vol.52, No. 3, Page: 447-451 (2010)
Singular cohomology rings of some orbit spaces defined by free involution on CP(2m+1)
R. Ashraf
J. Algebra, Vol. 324, No. 6, Page: 1212-1218 (2010)
Bounds for strengthened Hardy and Polya-Knopp’s differences
S.Hussain & J.Pecaric
Rocky Mountain J. Math, Vol. 40, No. 3, Page: 913-928 (2010)
Two-weight criteria for potentials with product kernels on cones of decreasing functions
Meskhi, G.Murtaza & M.Sarwar
Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst, Vol.152, Page: 144-153 (2010)
Refinned topological vertex, cylindric partitions and U(1) adjoint theory
A.Iqbal, C.Kozcaz & K. Shabbir
Nuclear Phys. B, Vol. 838, No. 3, Page: 422-457 (2010)
On dynamics of `-Volterra quadratic stochastic operators
U.A. Rozikov & A.Zada
Int. J. Biomath, Vol.3, No. 2, Page: 143-159 (2010)
Cohomology of configuration spaces of complex projective spaces
Sohail, Tanweer
Czechoslovak Math. J, Vol. 60(135), No. 2, Page: 411-422 (2010)
Polar Cremona transformations and monodromy of polynomials
Ahmed, Imran
Studia Sci. Math. Hungar, Vol. 47 (2010), No. 1, Page: 81-89 (2010)
Mathematical modeling of thrombus growth in mesenteric vessels
Alenitsyn, A. Kondratyev & I.Siddiqui
Math. Biosci Vol. 224, No. 1, Page: 29-34 (2010)
On the oscillating motion of an Oldroyd-B fluid between two infinite circular cylinders
C.Fetecau, W.Akhtar, M.A.Imran & D.Vieru
Comput. Math. Appl, Vol. 59, No. 8, Page: 2836-2845 (2010)
On super (a; 1)-edge-antimagic total labelings of regular graphs
M.Baca, S.F.Andrea & M.K. Shafiq
Discrete Math, Vol. 310, No. 9, Page: 1408-1412 (2010)
On subgroups of orthogonal groups of isotropic quadratic forms
Bashkirov, Evgenii L
J. Pure Appl. Algebra, Vol. 214, No. 7, Page: 1049-1062 (2010)
A note on “Taylor–Couette flow of a generalized second grade fluid due to a constant couple”
C.Fetecau, A.U. Awan & M. Athar
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Vol. 15, No. 2, Page: 155–158 (2010)
On Super Edge-Magic Total Labeling of Banana Trees
Utilitas Math, Vol. 79, Page: 243-251 (2009)
Unsteady Flow of An Oldroyd-B Fluid Generated by a Constantly Accelerating Plate
Between Two Side Walls Perpendicular to the Plate
C. Fetecau, M. Nazar & C. Fetecau
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 44 No.10, Page: 1039-1047(2009)
Flow of a Maxwell Fluid Between Two Side Walls Induced by a Constantly Accelerating Plate
W. Akthar, M. Nazar, V. Tigoiu& C. Fetecau
ZeitschriftfürAngewandteMathematik und Physik, Vol. 60, No.3, Page:498-510 (2009)
Polar Cremona Transformations and Monodromy of Polynomials
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica,Vol. 47, No.1 (2009)
Topology and Factorization of Polynomials
H. Shaker
Mathematica Scandinavica, Vol. 104, No.1, Page: 51-59 (2009)
Morrey Spaces and Fractional Integral Operators
Eridani, V. Kokilashvili& A. Meskhi
Expositiones Mathematicae,Vol. 27 No.3, Page: 227-239 (2009)
On The Energetic Balance for the Flow of a Maxwell Fluid Due to a Constantly
Accelerating Plate
C. Fetecau, D. Vieru, A. Mahmood & C.Fetecau
Acta Mechanica, Vol. 203, No.1, Page: 89-96 (2009)
Control with Kapitza’s Averaging for Chaotic Systems
Journal of Applied Functional Analysis, Vol. 4, No.2, (2009)
Some Inequalities for Csiszar-Divergence Measures
M. Anwar, S.Hussain& J. Pecaric
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 3, No.26,Page: 1295-1304 (2009)
Broughton Polynomials and Chatacteristic Varieties
Studia Scientiarum MathematicarumHungarica, Vol. 47, No.2, Page: 214-222 (2009)
Boundedness Criteria for Maximal Functions and Potentials on The Half-Space in
Weighted Lebesgue Spaces with Variable Exponents
M. Asif, Kokilashvili& A. Meskhi
Integral Transforms and Special Functions, Vol. 20, No.11,Page: 805-819 (2009)
Admissible Local Systems for a Class of Line Arrangements
S.Nazir& Z.Raza
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 137, No.4, Page: 1307-1313 (2009)
On The Intersection of Rational Transversal Subtori
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Vol.86, Page: 221-231 (2009)
Hamiltonian Properties of Generalized Halin Graphs
S.Malik, A. M. Qureshi & T. Zamfirescu
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, Vol. 52, No.3, Page: 416-423 (2009)
The American Foreign Exchange Option in time-Dependant One-Dimensional
Diffusion Model for Exchange Rate
N. Rehman &M.Shashiashvili
Applied Mathematics and Optimization,Vol. 59, No.3, Page: 329-363 (2009)
On Some Basics of Linear System Theory
M. Saeed Akram&V. Lomadze
Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 58, No.2, Page: 83-90 (2009)
V-adic Maximal Extensions, Spectral norms and Absolute Galois Groups
V.Alexandru, A.Popescu, L.Popescu& S. Sultana
MonatsheftefürMathematik, Vol.158, Page: 223-233 (2009)
Linear Systems with Locally Integrable Trajectories
M. S.Akram &V.Lomadze
Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol.430, Page: 2277-2289 (2009)
On Super Vertex-Antimagic Total Labelings of Disjoint Union of Paths
G. Ali, M. Baca &F. Bashir
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 6, No.1, Page: 11-20 (2009)
A Class of Pinched Domains
T. Dumitrescu&S. U. Rehman
Bulletin Mathématiques de la Société Des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie,
Vol.52 (100), No. 1,Page: 41-55 (2009)
Poincare Series of Milnor Algebras and Free Arrangements
S. Ahmad
StudiaScientiarumMathematicarumHungarica, Vol. 47, No.4 (2009)
Distance MagicLabelings of a Union of Graphs
G. Ali, M. K. Shafiq & R.Simanjuntak
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics,
Vol. 6, No.1, Page 191-200 (2009)
Cauchy Means of Popoviciu Type
N. Latif, M. Anwar &J. Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2009)
Edge Irregular Total Labeling of Certain Family of Graphs
Ahmad &M. Baca
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics,
Vol. 6, No.1, Page: 21-29 (2009)
Super Vertex-Antimagic Total Labelings of Disconnected Graphs
G. Ali, M. Baca, Y. Lin &A.Semanicova
Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 309, No.20,Page: 6048-6054 (2009)
On The Chromaticity of Multi-Bridge Hypergraphs
Tomescu, S.A.Bukhary& A. A. Bhatti
Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 25, No.2,Page: 145-152 (2009)
On Metric and Partition Dimensions of Some Infinite Regular Graphs
I.Tomescu& M. Imran
Bulletin Mathématiques de la Société des sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie,
Vol. 52(100), No.4, Page: 461-472 (2009)
Approximation of Pseudoresolvents
S.Awan& M.Voicu
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 6, No.1, Page: 73-86 (2009)
Some New Results Related to Favard’s Inequality
N. Latif, J. Pecaric&I. Peric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2009)
Cohen-Macaulay Intersections
S. Ahmad
Archiv der Mathematik, Vol. 92, No.2, Page: 228-236 (2009)
On The Ramsey Number for a Linear Forest Versus Cocktail Party Graph
K. Ali, A.Q. Baig& E. T.Baskoro
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
Vol.71, Page: 173-177 (2009)
Unsteady Flow of Generalized Maxwell Fluid with Fractional Derivative due to a
Constantly Accelerating Plate
C. Fetecau, M. Athar& C Fetecau
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 57, No.4, Page: 596-603 (2009)
Flow of Generalized Maxwell Fluid Induced by a Constantly Accelerating Plate
Between Two Side Walls
D. Vieru, C. Fetecau, M. Athar& C Fetecau
Zeitschriftfürangewandte Mathematik und Physik ZAMP,
Vol. 60, No.2, Page: 334-343 (2009)
Super Vertex-Antimagic Total Labelings of Disconnected Graphs
G. Ali, M. Baca, Y. Lin &A.Semanicova-Fenovickova
Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 309, No.20, Page: 6048-6054 (2009)
Cauchy Means Introduced by an Inequalities of Levin and Steckin
J. Pecaric & A. U. Rehman
East journal on approximations, Vol. 15, No.4, Page: 515-524 (2009)
Boundedness and Exponential Stability for Periodic Time Dependent Systems
C.Buse&A. Zada
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations,
Vol. 37, Page: 1-9 (2009)
On l-Volterra Quadratic Stochastic Operators
U.A. Rozikov& A. Zada
Doklady Mathematics, Vol. 79, No.1, Page: 32-34 (2009)
The Rayleigh-Stokes Problem for an Edge in a Generalized Oldroyd-B Fluid
C. Fetecau, M. Jamil, C. Fetecau &D.Vieru
ZeitschriftfürangewandteMathematik und Physik,
Vol. 60, No.5, Page: 921-933 (2009)
A Note on The Second Problem of Stokes for Maxwell Fluids
C. Fetecau, M. Jamil, C. Fetecau & I. Siddique
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 44, No.10, Page: 1085-1090 (2009)
On The Axial CouetteFlow of a Maxwell Fluid due to Longitudinal Time Dependent Shear Stress
W. Akhtar & M. Jamil
Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi. Secţia I. Matematică, MecanicăTeoretică, Fizică, (2009)
Exact Analytic Solutions for the Flow of Second Grade Fluid Between Two Longitudinally Oscillating Cylinders
A.Mahmood, N.A Khan, C. Fetecau, M. Jamil & Q. Rubbab
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 5, Page: 192-204 (2009)
Traveling Waves Solution of a Micropolar Fluid
N. A. Khan, A. Ara& M. Jamil
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 10, No.9, Page: 1121-1125 (2009)
On Some Improvements of the Jensen Inequality with Some Applications
M. A. Khan, M. Anwar, J. Jaksetic, & J. Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2009)
Bayesian Methods of Statistical Hypothesis of Testing for Solving Different Problems of Human Activity
K. J. Kachiashvili, M. A. Hashmi & A. Mueed
Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Vol.14, No.2 (2009)
Taylor-Couette Flow of anOldroyd-B Fluid in a Circular Cylinder Subject to a Time-Dependent Rotation
C.Fetecau, A.U. Awan& C. Fetecau
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, Vol.52, No 100, 2,Page: 117-128 (2009)
Exact Solutions for Some Oscillating Motions of Oldroyd-B Fluids
C. Fetecau, FL. Buzescu, A.U. Awan& C. Fetecau
International Journal of Liquid State Sciences, Vol. 1, No.1, Page: 43-52 (2009)
Axial Couette Flow of an Oldroyd-B Fluid due to a Time-Dependent Shear Stress
C. Fetecau, C. Fetecau &M.Imran
Mathematical Reports, Vol. 11, No.2, Page: 145-154 (2009)
Exact Solutions of Generalized Oldroyd-B Fluid Subject to a Time-Dependent
Shear Stress in a Pipe
Q. Rubbab, S. M.Husnine&A.Mahmood
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 5, Page: 139-148 (2009)
Control of Effective Potential Minima for Kapitza Oscillator by Periodical Kicking Pulses
B. Ahmad & S. Borisenok
Physics Letters A, Vol.373, No.7, Page: 701-707 (2009)
On Logarithmic Convexity for Differences of Power Means and Related Results
M. Anwar& J. Pečarić
Math. Inequal. Appl, Vol.12, No.1,Page: 81-90 (2009)
Unsteady Flow of a Generalized Maxwell Fluid with Fractional Derivative due to a Constantly Accelerating Plate
C. Fetecau, M. Athar&C. Fetecau
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol.57, No.4, Page: 596-603 (2009)
Taylor-Couette Flow of an Oldroyd-B fluid in a Circular Cylinder Subject to a Time-Dependent Rotation
C. Fetecau, A. U. Awan& C. Fetecau
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, Vol. 52(100), No.2, Page: 117-128 (2009)
Boundedness and Compactness of Positive Integral Operators on Cones of Homogeneous Groups
Meskhi, U. Ashraf & M. Asif
Positivity, Vol.13, No.3, Page: 497-518 (2009)
Exact Solutions for the Flow of a FeneralizedOldroyd-B fluid Induced by a Constantly Accelerating Plate Between Two Side Walls Perpendicular to the Plate
C. Fetecau, C. Fetecau, M. Kamran & D. Vieru
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol.156, No.3, Page: 189-201 (2009)
Software Realization Problems of Mathematical Models of Pollutants Transport in Rivers
K.J. Kachiashvili& D.I. Melikdzhanian
Advances in Engineering Software, Vol.40, No.10,Page: 1063-1073 (2009)
Some Properties of Chromatic Coefficients of Linear Uniform Hypergraphs
S.A. U.Bokhary& I. Tomescu
Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol.25, No.4 (2009)
Hamilton-Jacobi Equations With Jumps: Asymptotic Stability
Mahmood&S. Parveen
Math. Rep. (Bucur.) Vol.11, No.61, Page: 321–333 (2009)
Exact Solutions of Generalized Oldroyd-B Fluid Subject to a Time-Dependent Shear Stress in a Pipe
Q. Rubbab, S. M. Husnine & A. Mahmood
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol.5, Page: 139-148 (2009)
Relative Spectral Norm on Algebraic Numbers
Popescu& S. Sultana
Rend. Sem. Univ. Padova, Vol.122 (2009)
Cauchy’s Means of Boas Type
M. Anwar & J. Pecaric
Journal of Math. Ann. &Appl, (2009)
On $l$-Volterra Quadratic Stochastic Operators
U. A. Rozikov& A. Zada
Dokl. Akad. Nauk, Vol. 424, No.2, Page: 168-170 (2009)
An Improvement of Jensen’s Inequality with Some Applications
S. Hussain&J. Pečarić
Asian-Eur. J. Math, Vol.2 No.1,Page: 85-94 (2009)
On Super d-Antimagic Labelings of Disjoint Union of Prisms
M. Bača& F. Bashir
AKCE J. Graphs. Combin, Vol. 6, No.1, 31-39 (2009)
A Method to Generate Edge-Antimagic Trees
M. Baca, A. S. Fenovcikova & M. K. Shafiq
Proceedings of 4th World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics, ASSMS,
Page: 298-303 (2009)
Edge Irregular Total Labeling of Graphs
Ahmad & M. Baca
Proceedings of 4th World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics, ASSMS,
Page: 7-11 (2009)
Vertex-AntimagicLabelings of Disconnected Graphs
G. Ali, M. Baca, Y. Lin & A. S. Fenovcikova
Proceedings of 4th World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics, ASSMS,
Page: 18-23(2009)
On Face AntimagicLabelings of Antiprisms and Prisms
G. Ali, M. Baca, F. Bashir & A. S. Fenovcikova
Proceedings of 4th World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics, ASSMS,
Page: 46-52 (2009)
On Certain Matrix Lie Rings Over Commutative Rings with 1
E. L. Bashkirov & M.Imtiaz
Proceedings of 4th World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics, ASSMS,
Page: 53-60 (2009)
On Analytical Finding Probability Distribution Law of Linear Combination of Exponent of Quadratic Forms of Normally Distributed Random Vectors
K. J. Kachiashvilli & M. A. Hashmi
Proceedings of 4th World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics, ASSMS,
Page: 96-104 (2009)
The Weighted Square Integral Inequalities for the First Derivative of the Function of a Real Variable
S.Hussain, J. Pecaric &M. Shashiashvili
Proceedings of 4th World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics, ASSMS,
Page: 105-120 (2009)
Exponential Convexity of the Popoviciu Inequality and Related Results
M. Anwar, N. Latif & J. Pecaric
Proceedings of 4th World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics, ASSMS,
Page: 146-153 (2009)
The Problem of Choosing Losses Function in Bayesian Problem of Many Hypotheses Testing and Opportunities of Their Overcoming
K. J. Kachiashvili & A. Mueed
Proceedings of 4th World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics, ASSMS,
Page: 176-193 (2009)
Depth, Stanley Depth and Dimension of Multigraded Modules
Proceedings of 4th World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics, ASSMS,
Page:247-255 (2009)
Cauchy Means Involving Chebyshev Functional
J. Pecaric& A. U. Rehman
Proceedings of 4th World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics, ASSMS,
Page: 256-268(2009)
A Note on the Covering of Projective Surfaces
D. R. Choudary& V. Vâjâitu
Results Math,Vol. 3, No.1-2, Page: 53-58 (2009)
Flow of a Generalized Maxwell Fluid Induced by a Constantly Accelerating Plate
Between Two Side Walls
D. Vieru, C. Fetecau, M. Athar&C. Fetecau
Z. Angew. Math. Phys,Vol. 60, No.2, Page: 334-343 (2009)
Some New Refinements of Strengthened Hardy and Pölya-Knopp’s Inequalities
Cizmesija, S. Hussain, & J. Pecaric
Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, Vol.7, Page: 167-186 (2009)
Disconnected Super (a;d)-Edge-Antimagic Total Graphs
M. Baca, P. Kovar, Y. Lin, F. A. Muntaner-Batle, A.S. Fenovcikova & M.K.Shafiq
Proceedings of 4th World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics, ASSMS,
Page: 65-70 (2009)
Cauchy Means Involving Chebyshev Functional
J. Pecaric, &A. U. Rehman
Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Vol. 151, Page: 43-54 (2009)
Unsteady flow of a generalized Oldroyd-B uid in a duct of rectangular cross-section (I)
Vieru, Dumitru, Fetecau, Corina & Imran, Muhammad
Bul. Inst. Politeh. Ia_si. Sect. I. Mat. Mec. Teor. Fiz, Vol. 55(59), No. 3, Page: 83-99 (2009)
Some exact solutions for the flow of a generalized Oldroyd-B fluid between two side walls perpendicular to a plate
A.U.Awan, C.Fetecau & M.Imran
Bul. Inst. Politeh. Iasi. Sect. I. Mat. Mec. Teor. Fiz, Vol. 55(59), No. 1, Page: 1-9 (2009)
Exponential convexity of the Favard’s inequality and related results
Latif, Naveed, Pecaric, Josip & Peric, Ivan
Makedon. Akad. Nauk. Umet. Oddel. Mat.-Tehn. Nauk. Prilozi, Vol. 30, No. 1-2, Page:
53-66 (2009)
On linear groups of degree 2n containing a representation of the special linear group of degree n.
Bashkirov, E. L & Gupta, C. K
Comm. Algebra, Vol. 37, No. 11, Page: 4117-4140 (2009)
How to define the dual of a higher-dimensional linear system
Lomadze, Vakhtang
Linear Algebra Appl, Vol. 431, No. 11, Page: 2084-2101 (2009)
ARMA-models and their equivalences
Lomadze, Vakhtang
Internat. J. Control, Vol.82, No. 11, Page: 2034-2039 (2009)
Approximate solutions of boundary value problems for ODEs using Newton interpolating series
G.Groza, S.M.Ali Khan & N.Pop
Carpathian J. Math, Vol. 25, No. 1, 73-81 (2009)
On the Ramsey Numbers for a Combination of Paths and Jahangirs
K. Ali &E. T.Baskoro
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing
Vol. 65, Page: 113-119(2008)
On The Torsion of Brieskorn Modules of Homogeneous Polynomials
K. Shabbir
RendicontidelSeminarioMatematico Della Università di Padova,
Vol. 120, Page: 147-156 (2008)
New Exact Solutions Corresponding to the First Problem of Stokes for Oldroyd-B Fluids
D. Vieru, M. Nazar, Corina Fetecau& C. Fetecafu
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 55, No.8, Page: 1644-1652 (2008)
Janet’s Algorithm
Bulletin Mathématiques de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie,
Vol. 51, No.99, Page: 11-19 (2008)
Energetic Balance for the Flow of a Second Grade Fluid due to a Plate Subject to a Shear Stress
D. Vieru, I. Siddique, M. Kamran & C. Fetecau
Computers & Mathematics with Applications Vol.56, No.4, Page: 1128-1137 (2008)
Kinetic Equations in the Theory of Normal Fermi Liquid
A.S. Kondratyev& 1. Siddique
Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 34, No.137, (2008)
On Logarithmic Convexity for KY-Fan Inequality
M. Anwar & J. Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2008)
New Means of Cauchy’s Type
M. Anwar & J. Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2008)
Cauchy’s Means of Levinson Type
M. Anwar & J. Pecaric
Journal of Inequalities in Pure & Applied Mathematics,Vol. 9, No.4,Page: 0-8 (2008)
On Genralization of the Hermite-Hadamard Inequality II
M. Anwar & J. Pecaric
Journal of inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 9, No.4, Page: 0-4 (2008)
On Genralization of the Hermite-Hadamard Inequality III
M. Anwar & J. Pecaric
Math. Maced, Vol. 6, Page: 15-19 (2008)
Exact Solutions for a Rotational Flow of Generalized Second Grade Fluid Through a Circular Cylinder
A.Mahmood, Saifullah& Q.Rubab
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, (2008)
Some Exact Solutions for the Rotational Flow of a Generalized Second Grade Fluid Between Two Circular Cylinders
Mahmood, Saifullah&G.Bolat
Archives of Mechanics, Vol.16, No.5 (2008)
Conjugacy Classes of 3-Braid Groups B3
U. Ali
Algebra Colloquium, (2008)
The Weighted Square Integral Inequalities for the First Derivative of the Function of a Real Variable
S. Hussain, J. Pecaric& M. Shashiashvili
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Issue 3, Pages 14 (2008)
Exact Solutions for the Rotational Flow of Generalized Maxwell Fluids in a Circular Cylinder
W. Akhtar & M. Nazar
Bulletin Mathématiques de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie,
Vol.51 (99), No. 2, Page: 93-101 (2008)
A Characterization of Dichotomy in Terms of Boundedness of Solutions for Some Cauchy Problems.
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 94, Page: 1-5 (2008)
On Uniform Exponential Stability of Exponentially Bounded Evolution Families
C.Buse, A.D.R. Choudary, S.S. Dragomir& M.S. Prajea
Integral Equations and Operator Theory, Vol. 61, No.3, Page: 325-340 (2008)
Cohen-Macaulay Monomial Ideals of Codimension 2
ManuscriptaMathematica, Vol.127, Page: 533-545 (2008)
Jensen’s Inequality for Convex-Concave Antisymmetric Functions and Applications
S. Hussain, J. Pecaric& I. Peric
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2008)
Open-Loop Control for Focusing of Neutral Particles by Modulated Optical Field
S. Borisenok& N. Iqbal
ActaPhysicaPolonica A, Vol.114, No.4, (2008)
A Note on the Unsteady Flow of a Generalized Maxwell Fluid Through a Circular Cylinder
M.Nazar& M.Kamran
Bul. Inst. Politeh. Iaşi. Secţ. I. Mat. Mec, Vol.2, Page: 27-35 (2008)
On Logarithmic Convexity for Power Sums and Related Results II
J. Pecaric &Atiq Ur Rehman
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2008)
On a Refinement of Hardy’s Inequalities via Superquadratic and Subqadratic Functions
G. Farid, K.Krulic&J.Pecaric
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,Vol. 7, No.20, Page: 163-175, (2008)
Some Exact Solutions for the Flow of a Generalized Oldroyd-b Fluid Between Two Sideswalls Perpendicular to a Plate
U. Awan, C. Fetecau&M.Imran
CNFA 2008 the 3-rd National Conference of Applied Physics (2008)
A New Solution for MHD Transient Rotating Flow of a Second Grade Fluid in a
Porous Space
I.Siddique, M. Imran &D.Vieru
Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute from Iasi. Romania (2008)
On Endomorphism Rings of Local Cohomology Modules
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,
Vol. 136, No.7, Page: 2333-2341 (2008)
Contractible Fibers of Polynomial Functions
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics,Vol. 4, Page: 148-153 (2008)
Exact Solutions for Some Unsteady Flows of Generalized Second Grade Fluids in Cylindrical Domains
Mahmood, C.Fetecau& I. Siddique
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 4, Page: 171-180 (2008)
Mathematical Modeling of Thrombus Growth in Microvessels
G. Alenitsyn, A. S. Kondratyev, I. Mikhailova& I. Siddique
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics,Vol. 4, Page: 195-205 (2008)
Some Exact Solutions for The Helical Flow of a Generalized Oldroyd-b Fluid in a Circular Cylinder
Mahmood, C. Fetecau, Corina Fetecau &D. Vieru
Comput. Math. Appl,Vol. 56, No.12,Page: 3096-3108 (2008)
Some Exact Solution for a Rotational Flow of Generalized Second Grade Fluid Between Two Circular Cylinders
A.Mahmood, Saifullah& G.Bolat
Archives of Mechanics,Vol. 60, No. 5,Page: 385-401 (2008)
An Upper Bound for the Regularity of Ideals of Borel Type
Anwar & S. Ahmad
Communications in Algebra,Vol. 36, No.2, Page: 670-673 (2008)
Most Wheel Related Graph are Not Vertex Magic
M.T. Rahim &Slamin
UtilitasMathematica, Vol.77, Page: 193-199 (2008)
On The Torsion of Brieskorn Module of Homogeneous Polynomials
Rendiconti Del SeminarioMatematico Della Universita di Padova,
Vol.120, Page:147-156, (2008)
On An Essential Norm for the Hilbert Transform in Spaces
M. Asif &A.Meskhi
Georgian Mathematical Journal, Vol.15, No.2, Page: 208-223 (2008)
Extensions of Discrete Finite Rank Valued Fields
A.Naseem& A. Popescu
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.), Vol.51(99), No.3, Page: 245-252 (2008)
Unsteady Flow of an Oldroyd-B Fluid Generated by a Constantly Accelerating Plate Between Two SideWalls Perpendicular to the Plate
M. Nazar, C. Fetecau& C. Fetecau
International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, (2008)
Fruitful HC-models with three states on a Cayley Tree
U. A. Rozikov&S. A. Shoyusupov.
Teoret. Mat. Fiz, Vol.156, No.3, Page: 412-424 (2008)
Continuity estimates with respect to volatility for the American foreign exchange option
M. Shashiashvili & N.Rehman
Bull. Georgian Natl. Acad. Sci. (N.S.), Vol. 2, No. 4, Page: 33-39 (2008)
On the generalization of one theorem of Bensoussan-Lions
P.Babilua, B.Dochviri,M.Patsatsia,G.Lominashvili & M.Shashiashvili
Bull. Georgian Natl. Acad. Sci. (N.S.), Vol. 2, No. 2, Page: 13-16 (2008)
One and two weight norm estimates for one-sided operators in Lp(_) space
V. Kokilashvili, A. Meskhi & M.Sarwar
Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst, Vol. 148, Page: 126-133 (2008)
Optimal embeddings of generalized homogeneous Sobolev spaces
I.Ahmed & G.E. Karadzhov
C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. Vol. 61, No. 8, Page: 967-972 (2008)
Weighted estimates of a measure of noncompactness for maximal and potential operators
M.Asif & A. Meskhi
J. Inequal. Appl, (2008)
On logarithmic convexity for power sums and related results
J.Pecaric & A.U.Rehman
J. Inequal. Appl, (2008)
On the connected partition dimension of unicyclic graphs
J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput, Vol. 65, Page: 71-77 (2008)
Families of regular graphs with constant metric dimension
I.Javed, M.T.Rahim & K.Ali
Util. Math, Vol. 75, Page: 21-33 (2008)
The American Put Option in a One-Dimensional Diffusion Model with level-Dependent Volatility Stochastics
Babilua, P, Bokuchava, I. Dochviri, B., & Shashiashvili, M
An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, Vol.79, No.1-2, Page: 5-25 (2007)
Weighted Criteria for Generalized Fractional Maximal Functions and Potentials in Lebesgue Spaces with Variable Exponent
V. Kokilashvili &A. Meskhi
Integral Transforms and Special Functions, Vol.18, No.9, Page: 609-628 (2007)
Sequentially Cohen-Macaulay Monomial Ideals of Embedding Dimension Four
S. Ahmad & D. Popescu
Bulletin Mathématiques de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie,
Vol.50, No. (98)2, Page: 99-110 (2007)
Stanley Conjecture in Small Embedding Dimension
Anwar & D. Popescu
Journal of Algebra, Vol.318, Page: 1027-1031(2007)
On Some Chromatic Properties of Jahangir Graph
A. Bhatti
ARS Combinatoria, Vol.84, (2007)
On Vertex-Magic Total Labeling of Some Wheel Related Graphs
M. Tariq Rahim, I. Tomescu & Slamin
Utilitas Mathematica, Vol.73, Page: 97-104 (2007)
On the Partition Dimension and Connected Partition Dimension of Wheels
Tomescu, I. Javaid & Slamin
ARS Combinatoria, Vol.84, Page: 311-318 (2007)
Feedback Control of Probability Amplitudes for Two-Level Atom in Optical Field
Optics Communications, Vol.281, No.4, Page: 640-643 (2007)
Algebraic Properties of Special Rings of Formal Series
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol.3, Page: 178-185 (2007)
Algebraic Properties of Integral Functions
SM A. Khan
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol.3, Page: 162-168 (2007)
On Newton Interpolating Series and Their Applications
G. Groza
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol.3, Page: 120-128 (2007)
On a Class of Bounded and Compact Higher Dimensional Kernel Operators
U. Ashraf, M. Asif & A. Meskhi
Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Vol.144, Page: 121-125(2007)
A New Version of the Menages Problem
M. Qureshi
ARS Combinatoria, Vol.98 (2007)
On Certain Inequalities Improving the Hermite-Hadamard Inequality
S. Hussain & M. Anwar
Journal of Inequalities in Pure & Applied Mathematics,Vol. 8, No.2(2007)
On h-Chromatic Uniqueness of two Linear Uniform Cycles Having Some
Edges in Common
A. Bhatti
ARS Combinatoria, Vol.85, Page: 331-3340 (2007)
Stanley Decompositions, Pretty Clean Filtrations and Reductions Modulo Regular Elements
Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie
Nouvelle Série, Vol.50, No.4, Page: 347-354 (2007)
On the Ring of Newton Interpolating Series Over a Local Field
G. Groza & A. Haider
Mathematical Reports, Vol.9, No.59 (4), Page: 343-356 (2007)
Starting Solutions for the Oscillating Motion of a Maxwell Fluid in Cylindrical Domains
D. Vieru, W. Akhtar, Corina Fetecau &C. Fetecau
Meccanica, Vol.42, No.6, Page: 573-583 (2007)
Spectral Function and Kinetic Equation for a Normal Fermi Liquid
M. Arshad, A. S. Kondratyev & I. Siddique,
Aps Physics, Vol.76 (2007)
Method of the Effective Potential for the Factorized Rapidly Changing Force
S. Borisenok
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics,Vol. 3, Page: 210-214 (2007)
On the Ring of Newton Interpolating Series Over a Local Field
G. Groza & A. Haider
Math Reports, Vol.9 (59), No.4, Page: 343-356 (2007)
Dual Integral Characterizations for Nonuniform Exponential Stability of Evolution Family on Banach Spaces
C. Buse &A. D. R. Choudary
International Journal of Pure and Aplied Mathematics, (2007)
The Solution of the Motion Problem of a Non-Newtonian Fluid over an Infinite Plate
Fetecau, C, Vieru, Corina Fetecau & W. Akhtar
Conf. St. Int. TMCR, Chisinau 31 Mai – 3 iunie, Rep. Moldova, Page: 223-228, (2007)
Limiting Cases of the Motion of a Non-Newtonian Fluid Over an infinite Plate
C. Fetecau, C. Fetecau, D. Vieru & M. Nazar
Conf. St. Int. TMCR, Chisinau 31 Mai – 3 iunie, Rep. Moldova, Page: 106-110, (2007)
On H-Chromatic Uniqueness of Two Linear Uniform Cycles Having Some Edges in
A. Bhatti
ARS Combinatoria, Vol.85, Page: 331-339, (2007)
On The Metric Dimension of the Jahangir Graph
Tomescu & I. Javaid
Bull. Math. De la Soci. Sci. Math. De Rou, (2007)
Comparison of the performance of Basu’s estimator with some well known sampling
schemes and estimators of population total
M.Hanif, M.Samiuddin & M.Q. Shahbaz
J. Stat. Theory Appl, Vol. 6, No. 3, Page: 226-235 (2007)
Design and model based sampling inferences: review and recent developments
M.Hanif & M.Q. Shahbaz
J. Stat. Stud, Vol. 26, Page: 51-66 (2007)
On the metric dimension of the Jahangir graph
I.Tomesco & I.Javaid
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.), Vol. 50(98), No. 4, Page: 371-376 (2007)
On Some Numerical Invariants Associated To Compact Sets (In Metric Spaces)
S. Ahmad
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 2, Page: 203-207(2006)
On Some Subfields Of
S. Nazir& A. Popescu
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 2, Page: 194-197 (2006)
On The Arithmetic of the Rational Function Field K(X).
S. Ahmad & A. Popescu
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics Vol. 2, Page: 198-202 (2006)
Open-Loop Control of Quantum Particle Motion: Effective Splittingin Momentum Space
B. Ahmad, S. Borisenok, Saifullah & Y, Rozhdestvensky
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 2, Page: 208-216 (2006)
A Cycle or a Jahangir Ramsey Unsaturated Graphs
K. Ali & Surahmat
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 2, Page: 187-193 (2006)
On the Structure of Compact Subsets of $\mathbb {C} _ {p} $.
A.D.Choudary, A. Popescu&N. Popescu
ActaArithmetica, Vol. 123, Page: 253-266 (2006)
Upper Bounds for the Size Ramsey Numbers for P3 Versus Ct 3 or Pn.
E. T. Baskoro, Y. Nuraeni&A. A. G. Ngurah
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 2, Page: 141-146 (2006)
Vertex-Magic Total Labelings of Disconnected Graph
Slamin, A.C. Prihandoko, T. B. Setiawan, F. Rosita, B. Shaleh
Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 2, Page: 147-156 (2006)
The vertex on a strip
A.Iqbal, Kashani-Poor, Amir-Kian
Adv. Theor. Math. Phys, Vol.10, No. 3, Page: 317-343 (2006)
Some Analogs of Zariski’s Theorem on Nodal Line Arrangements
A.D. R. Choudary, A. Dimca& S. Papadima
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, Vol. 5, Page: 691-711(2005)
Continuous Automorphisms and an Equivalence Relation inK [[X]]
S. Nazir
The Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 1, Page: 178-183 (2005
World Conference on 21st Century Mathematics 2004.
A. D. R. Choudary and Faqir M. Bhatti.
School of Mathematical Sciences, G.C.University, Lahore, 2004. 259 pp. $10.00.
conference is held in Lahore, March 18-20, 2004.