The National Center for Mathematics at G. C. University (Lahore) is organizing a one day symposium on recent developments in theoretical physics. The topic of the symposium is Einstein’s general theory of relativity and the recent discovery of gravitational waves. The discovery of gravitational waves by LIGO last year marks a milestone in our understanding of the universe. The Nobel prize in physics this year was awarded to the people associated with the discovery. This week marks the 102nd anniversary of the Einstein’s paper on general relativity and the center is very pleased that Asghar Qadir from the National University of Science and Technology will be giving two talks for the students and the faculty. The details of the talks are given below:

Symposium on Recent Developments in Theoretical Physics
9 :00 AM – 12:05 PM November 22, 2017

Speaker: Asghar Qadir (National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad)

Derivation of Einstein’s Field Equations
9 :00 AM – 10:15 AM

Gravitational Waves: Theory and Detection
10:45 AM – 12:05 AM

This symposium provides a prime opportunity for graduate students and faculty working in this area and in general interested in the recent discovery of gravitational waves to learn about the theoretical foundations of general relativity and details of the LIGO experiment from the person who introduced this field in Pakistan.

There is no registration fee for attending this symposium but we are restricted to a limited number of participants. The participants may register themselves by sending an email to the following address: